Bernardino Passeri (1593). Evangelicae historiae imagines. Het is de oudste collectie van zulke gravures. Ze maken gebruik van het perspectief, wat nieuw was voor die tijd.
St. Francis Xavier: Letter from India, to the Society of Jesus at Rome, 1543: "There is now in these parts a very large number of persons who have only one reason for not becoming Christian, and that is that there is no one to make them Christians. It often comes into my mind to go round all the Universities of Europe, and especially that of Paris, crying out everywhere like a madman, and saying to all the learned men there whose learning is so much greater than their charity, "Ah! what a multitude of souls is through your fault shut out of heaven and falling into hell!" ( Gearchiveerd op 16 augustus 2023.
Joseph Conwell, Contemplation in Action: A Study in Ignatian Prayer (Spokane: Gonzaga University Press, 1957); Joseph Conwell, Impelling Spirit: Revisiting a Founding Experience, 1539 (Chicago: Loyola Press, 1997); Joseph F. Conwell, S.J., Walking in the Spirit: A Reflection on Jerónimo Nadal's Phrase "Contemplative Likewise in Action [Series III: Original Studies Composed in English, No. 17], Boston College: Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, Jesuit Sources, 2003; Julia Violero, "Contemplativos en la acción. Dejarse conducir hacia la integración espiritual", in: Ignaziana 7(2009), p. 29-96; Michael, Pavulraj, "Contemplativus in Actione. A Profound Insight of the Ignatian Spirituality", in: Gregorianum 102(2021)3, p. 575-593. Gearchiveerd op 28 april 2023.
Vgl. voor de invloed van de Joodse bekeerlingen op de jonge Jezuïetenorde, Robert Aleksander Maryks, The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions 146] Leiden: Brill, 2010; Simcha Jacobovici, "Rafael Nadal: A Jewish Story?", in: Jewish World 11 juli 2013 (
St. Francis Xavier: Letter from India, to the Society of Jesus at Rome, 1543: "There is now in these parts a very large number of persons who have only one reason for not becoming Christian, and that is that there is no one to make them Christians. It often comes into my mind to go round all the Universities of Europe, and especially that of Paris, crying out everywhere like a madman, and saying to all the learned men there whose learning is so much greater than their charity, "Ah! what a multitude of souls is through your fault shut out of heaven and falling into hell!" ( Gearchiveerd op 16 augustus 2023.
Joseph Conwell, Contemplation in Action: A Study in Ignatian Prayer (Spokane: Gonzaga University Press, 1957); Joseph Conwell, Impelling Spirit: Revisiting a Founding Experience, 1539 (Chicago: Loyola Press, 1997); Joseph F. Conwell, S.J., Walking in the Spirit: A Reflection on Jerónimo Nadal's Phrase "Contemplative Likewise in Action [Series III: Original Studies Composed in English, No. 17], Boston College: Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, Jesuit Sources, 2003; Julia Violero, "Contemplativos en la acción. Dejarse conducir hacia la integración espiritual", in: Ignaziana 7(2009), p. 29-96; Michael, Pavulraj, "Contemplativus in Actione. A Profound Insight of the Ignatian Spirituality", in: Gregorianum 102(2021)3, p. 575-593. Gearchiveerd op 28 april 2023.