(en) Jamie Wilson, Pete Townshend put on sex offenders register. The Guardian (8 mei 2003). Geraadpleegd op 2 november 2007. “After four months of investigation by officers from Scotland Yard's child protection group, it was established that Mr Townshend was not in possession of any downloaded child abuse images.”
(en) Jamie Wilson, Pete Townshend put on sex offenders register. The Guardian (8 mei 2003). Geraadpleegd op 2 november 2007. “I accept that I was wrong to access this site, and that by doing so, I broke the law, and I have accepted the caution that the police have given me.”
(en) Rolling Stone Magazine vol. 252. Rolling Stone (17 november 1977). Geraadpleegd op 2 november 2007. “For a few years, I had toyed with the idea of opening a London house dedicated to Meher Baba. In the eight years I had followed him, I had donated only coppers to foundations set up around the world to carry out the Master's wishes and decided it was about time I put myself on the line. The Who had set up a strong charitable trust of its own which appeased, to an extent, the feeling I had that Meher Baba would rather have seen me give to the poor than to the establishment of yet another so-called 'spiritual center'.”
(en) Kent H. Benjamin, RONNIE LANE, 1946 – 1997. Goldmine, vol. 23, No. 15, Issue 443 (15 juli 1997). Geraadpleegd op 2 november 2007.
(en) Duncan Campbell, OPERATION ORE EXPOSED – The truth is out... (april 2007). Geraadpleegd op 2 november 2007. “Under pressure of the media filming of the raid, Townshend appears to have confessed to something he didn't do.”