(en) Reed GM, First MB, Kogan CS, Hyman SE, Gureje O, Gaebel W, Maj M, Stein DJ, et al. (februari 2019). Innovations and changes in the ICD-11 classification of mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders. World Psychiatry 18 (1): 3-19. PMID: 30600616. PMC: 6313247. DOI:10.1002/wps.20611.
(en) Reed GM, First MB, Kogan CS, Hyman SE, Gureje O, Gaebel W, Maj M, Stein DJ, et al. (februari 2019). Innovations and changes in the ICD-11 classification of mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders. World Psychiatry 18 (1): 3-19. PMID: 30600616. PMC: 6313247. DOI:10.1002/wps.20611.
(en) ICD-11: Classifying disease to map the way we live and die. Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (2018). Gearchiveerd op 2018-06-202018-06-20. Geraadpleegd op 24 mei 2023. “While there will be a few early adopters, not many countries are likely to adapt that quickly – some countries are still using ICD-9, and a few are even using ICD-8. ICD-10 which was released in 1990 was first implemented by Thailand in 1994; the USA only switched to it in 2015.”