Hansen, Peo, Stefan Jonsson (2011). Bringing Africa as a “Dowry to Europe”: European Integration and the Eurafrican Project, 1920–1960. Interventions (13): 449. DOI:doi:10.1080/1369801X.2011.597600.
Thorpe, Benjamin (2018). Eurafrica: A Pan-European Vehicle for Central European Colonialism (1923–1939). European Review (26): 506-507. DOI:doi:10.1017/S1062798718000200.
TPUSA Shares Photo with Visual Nod to ‘White Genocide’ Conspiracy Theory. Right Wing Watch (12 april 2019). “The Kalergi Plan is an anti-Semitic and white nationalist conspiracy theory which revolves around the philosophy and political organizing of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an early 1900s Austrian politician who founded and presided over the Paneuropean Union. Some credit Kalergi for inspiring the later formation of the European Union”
Day of the trope: White nationalist memes thrive on Reddit's r/The_Donald. Southern Poverty Law Center (19 april 2019). “With respect to Europe, the mythology of the “Kalergi plan” plays a similar role in constructing the “white genocide” narrative. Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian noble and early advocate of European integration. White nationalists mine his writings for evidence that the European Union is the culmination of a nefarious “plan” for white genocide put into motion decades ago.”
Antisocial media turns Leavers into Brexit extremists. The New European (16 december 2017). Gearchiveerd op 29 maart 2020. Geraadpleegd op 17 april 2020. “large groups of people being radicalised daily and hourly, by far-right and neo-Nazi propaganda and a ubiquitous belief in wild conspiracy theories such as the Kalergi Plan” .