(en) Historical Accuracy of Rome: Total War. Allempires.com (8 oktober 2011). Geraadpleegd op 22 november 2011. “Such blatant “inaccuracies” have often been decried by history-enthusiastic fans that have developed modifications to correct the errors.”
Gillen, Kieron, Review op Eurogamer (1 oktober 2004). Geraadpleegd op 26 januari 2012.
(en) Kieron Gillen, Rome: Total War Review. Eurogamer.net (1 oktober 2004). Geraadpleegd op 22 november 2011. “AI - while genuinely sterling - has moments of ineptitude. This especially noticeable in battles where you have two armies in play at once. You control one, and the other is under computer control and not responding to your orders. The ability to issue a general order ("Hold back!" "Attack now!) to your colleague would have alleviated this hugely. Equally, enemy generals can be a little over enthusiastic in battle, leading to a relative ease of slaughtering them. While the naval side of Rome advances over Medieval, it's still only possible to auto-resolve battles, which can't help but make it feel vestigial and under-rendered compared with the detail in the rest of the game. There's a fair few tiny control issues, for example when two armies are standing in front of each other, actually trying to get the man behind is far more awkward than it should.”
Ocampo, Jason, Review op Gamespot (23 september 2004). Geraadpleegd op 26 januari 2012.
Rome: Total War Gamespy.com Geraadpleegd op 22 november 2011.
Kosak, Dave, Review op Gamespy (22 september 2004). Geraadpleegd op 26 januari 2012.
Butts, Steve, Review op IGN (23 september 2004). Geraadpleegd op 26 januari 2012.
Jurian Ubachs, Rome: Total War. Insidegamer.nl (21 oktober 2004). Geraadpleegd op 22 november 2011. “Het spel is op dit moment het toonaangevende spel op het gebied van strategie, het zit goed in elkaar en is bovendien erg verslavend. De manier waarom je tactieken in de gevechten kunt toepassen werkt perfect, en dat geldt ook voor diplomatie en politiek.”
(en) Di Luo, Rome: Total War (PC). 1UP.com (10 december 2004). Gearchiveerd op 18 oktober 2012. Geraadpleegd op 22 november 2011. “Rome: Total War is almost a perfect strategy game. It has strategic scope and splendor nearly matching that of Civilization and a tactical game unlike anything else on the market. Despite minor problems, it is a game that all strategy fans should experience. (...) Finally, there are issues with multiplayer. The code at release was very unstable, prone to bad performances and dropped games. The match making service is also poorly designed and the chat rooms poorly lay out. Even when your games work, your options are limited to only playing skirmishes.”
(en) Europa Barbarorum interview with Khelvan. Heavengames.com. Gearchiveerd op 11 mei 2006. Geraadpleegd op 22 november 2011. “The EB team originally gathered together about 16 months ago, when early previews of Rome: Total War were shown. The original team members were dismayed at the portrayal of non-Greek and non-Roman factions. The intention was to gather a large body of historical information from which CA could pull details to make their depiction of these factions more realistic. Unfortunately the team quickly realized that the company was not willing to change its direction based on historical accuracy, and so the early EB members prepared to make a mod of their own. This effort evolved over time into remaking the entire campaign.”