Smuts, Gen. Jan Christian, 206, 343; remarkable speech of, October, 1923, in Yearbook of the League of Nations 4 (1924), p. 351 = J. van der Poel (ed.), Selections from the Smuts Papers, V, Cambridge, 1973, p. 201: « If the action of France and Belgium is right and legal under the treaty, then any one signatory of the treaty can at any time allege a breach of the treaty by Germany, and thereupon proceed proceed to invade her territory, and claim to do so under the treaty. ». De bezetting werd gemotiveerd op basis van een bepaalde interpretatie van paragraaf 18 van Annex 2, deel VIII van het Verdrag van Versailles (H.L. Bretton, Stresemann and the Revision of VersaillesStresemann and the Revision of Versailles: A Fight for Reason, Stanford - Londen, 1953, pp. 55-71 (nn. 1-64.))
S. Schneider, Der Ruhrkampf und die Frage nach dem Staatensystem im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit, München - Ravensburg, 2001, pp. 25-26.
Smuts, Gen. Jan Christian, 206, 343; remarkable speech of, October, 1923, in Yearbook of the League of Nations 4 (1924), p. 351 = J. van der Poel (ed.), Selections from the Smuts Papers, V, Cambridge, 1973, p. 201: « If the action of France and Belgium is right and legal under the treaty, then any one signatory of the treaty can at any time allege a breach of the treaty by Germany, and thereupon proceed proceed to invade her territory, and claim to do so under the treaty. ». De bezetting werd gemotiveerd op basis van een bepaalde interpretatie van paragraaf 18 van Annex 2, deel VIII van het Verdrag van Versailles (H.L. Bretton, Stresemann and the Revision of VersaillesStresemann and the Revision of Versailles: A Fight for Reason, Stanford - Londen, 1953, pp. 55-71 (nn. 1-64.))