(en) Larmo PS, Järvinen RL, Setälä NL, Yang B, Viitanen MH, Engblom JRK, et al. Oral sea buckthorn oil attenuates tear film osmolarity and symptoms in individuals with dry eye. Journal of Nutrition. 2010 Aug;140(8):1462–8. DOI:10.3945/jn.109.118901. PMID20554904. Dit artikel is door de uitgever gratis toegankelijk gemaakt: http://jn.nutrition.org/content/140/8/1462.long.
(en) Hsu SD, Dickinson DP, Qin H, Borke J, Ogbureke KUE, Winger JN, et al. Green tea polyphenols reduce autoimmune symptoms in a murine model for human Sjogren's syndrome and protect human salivary acinar cells from TNF-alpha-induced cytotoxicity. Autoimmunity. 2007 Mar;40(2):138–47. DOI:10.1080/08916930601167343. PMID17364504. Gratis volledige artikel: http://www.ehcca.com/presentations/GreenAudio20080909/MS_copy.pdf
(en) Hsu SD, Dickinson DP, Qin H, Borke J, Ogbureke KUE, Winger JN, et al. Green tea polyphenols reduce autoimmune symptoms in a murine model for human Sjogren's syndrome and protect human salivary acinar cells from TNF-alpha-induced cytotoxicity. Autoimmunity. 2007 Mar;40(2):138–47. DOI:10.1080/08916930601167343. PMID17364504. Gratis volledige artikel: http://www.ehcca.com/presentations/GreenAudio20080909/MS_copy.pdf
(en) Larmo PS, Järvinen RL, Setälä NL, Yang B, Viitanen MH, Engblom JRK, et al. Oral sea buckthorn oil attenuates tear film osmolarity and symptoms in individuals with dry eye. Journal of Nutrition. 2010 Aug;140(8):1462–8. DOI:10.3945/jn.109.118901. PMID20554904. Dit artikel is door de uitgever gratis toegankelijk gemaakt: http://jn.nutrition.org/content/140/8/1462.long.
(en) Hsu SD, Dickinson DP, Qin H, Borke J, Ogbureke KUE, Winger JN, et al. Green tea polyphenols reduce autoimmune symptoms in a murine model for human Sjogren's syndrome and protect human salivary acinar cells from TNF-alpha-induced cytotoxicity. Autoimmunity. 2007 Mar;40(2):138–47. DOI:10.1080/08916930601167343. PMID17364504. Gratis volledige artikel: http://www.ehcca.com/presentations/GreenAudio20080909/MS_copy.pdf
(en) Larmo PS, Järvinen RL, Setälä NL, Yang B, Viitanen MH, Engblom JRK, et al. Oral sea buckthorn oil attenuates tear film osmolarity and symptoms in individuals with dry eye. Journal of Nutrition. 2010 Aug;140(8):1462–8. DOI:10.3945/jn.109.118901. PMID20554904. Dit artikel is door de uitgever gratis toegankelijk gemaakt: http://jn.nutrition.org/content/140/8/1462.long.