Een korte opmerking over Guthries jeugd "Despite the family suffering some hard-ship, his childhood was a happy one. Woody did not attain much formal schooling, but he had a thirst for knowledge and was very well read."
Meer over de brandincidenten in Guthries jeugd "Klein explains that one day Nora insisted that Clara stay home from school to help with house work, much to Clara's protest. Ever since the fire which destroyed their house, Nora had a fear of fires. Clara decided to scare her mother by setting her clothes on fire, intending to put it right out. But she was unable to do so and before her mother could register what was happening, she was up in flames and rolling on the ground in the front yard. A neighbor put the fire out, but not before it had done enough damage to result in Clara's death the next day. In 1927, after financial failures and trying relocations, Nora set Charley on fire. Charley survived and Nora was put into an insane asylum where she spent the rest of her life."
Details over Guthries jeugd. Guthrie wordt zelf geciteerd over het gedrag van zijn moeder, op pagina 2 van het document. Ook haar aanval op Guthries vader Charley wordt daar vermeld.