Carta's Official Guide to Israel and Complete Gazetteer to all Sites in the Holy Land. (3rd edition 1993) Jerusalem, Carta, s.72, ISBN 965-220-186-3 (engelsk),
Place Names in Israel. A Compendium of Place Names in Israel compiled from various sources. Omsett frå hebraisk, Jerusalem 1962 (Israel statsminister’s Office. The israelske Program for Scientific Translations) s.11 (Plasseringa til boka: Ben Zvi Institute Library, 12 Abarbanel St., Jerusalem; i nettkatalogen: [1])
Bitan, Hanna: 1948-1998: Fifty Years of 'Hityashvut': Atlas of Names of Settlements in Israel, Jerusalem 1999, Carta, s.4, ISBN 965-220-423-4 (hebraisk)