Barneleiken paradis (Norwegian Nynorsk Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Barneleiken paradis" in Norwegian Nynorsk language version.

Global rank Norwegian Nynorsk rank
3rd place
6th place
low place
2,033rd place
1st place
1st place

  • Thomas Shadwell (1668). The Sullen Lovers. : «Play at Catt, Stoolball, Scotch-hopp and Trap-ball.» Sitert i Oxford English Dictionary, Third edition, June 2011; online version March 2012; Francis Willughby, Book of Games (1635-1672), «Scotch Hopper‥. They play with a piece of tile or a little flat piece of lead, upon a boarded floore, or anie area divided into oblong figures like boards». Frå Cram, David, Forgeng, Jeffrey L. og Johnston, Dorothy, The Book of Games of Francis Willughby (1635-1672). A Seventeenth-century Treatise on Sports, Games and Pastimes (Aldershot, 2003); Poor Robin’s Almanack for 1677: «The time when schoolboys should play at Scotch-hoppers.» og 1707: «Lawyers and Physicians have little to do this month, so they may (if they will) play at Scotch-hoppers», The journal of the British Archaeological Association, Volume 26. ; Noah Websters An American Dictionary of the English language (1828) omtalte «Scotch-hopper» som «a play in which boys hop over scotches and lines in the ground.», Oxford English Dictionary, Third edition, June 2011; online version March 2012