de Roziére, 1849, s. 102: Bethsurie; s. 263: Bethsurie; s. 303: "in cujus territorio fundata est villa, quae dicitur Parva Mahumeria"; all sitert i Röhricht, 1893, RRH, s. 16-17, No 74
Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. Village Statistics, April, 1945. Sitert i S. Hadawi, Village Statistics, 1945. PLO Research Sentral, 1970, s. 56
Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. Village Statistics, April, 1945. Sitert i S. Hadawi, Village Statistics, 1945. PLO Research Sentral, 1970, s. 102
Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. Village Statistics, April, 1945. Sitert i S. Hadawi, Village Statistics, 1945. PLO Research Sentral, 1970, s. 152