«Court jails pregnant Filipina in Fujairah». Emirates 247. 9. oktober 2013. «A Filipina housemaid will be lashed 100 times on charges of stealing her employer in Fujairah after he discovered her pregnancy from an illegitimate relationship.»
«Dei sameinte arabiske emirata - Global Progress»(PDF). s. 3. Arkivert frå originalen(PDF) 11. mars 2016. Henta 5. juni 2016. «Punishments include flogging, amputation, and – as retaliation – injury similar to that for which the offender has been convicted of inflicting on the victim.»
Konfliktbarometer 2001(PDF), arkivert frå originalen(PDF) 12. mars 2007, henta 5. juni 2016. Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung
«Secret Desert Force Set Up by Blackwater's Founder». «The Dei sameinte arabiske emirata — an autocracy with the sheen of a progressive, modern state — are closely allied with the United States, and American officials indicated that the battalion program had some support in Washington.»
«2013 Human Rights Reports: Dei sameinte arabiske emirata». US Department of State. «Sharia (islamic law) courts, which adjudicate criminal and family law, have the option of imposing flogging as punishment for adultery, prostitution, consensual premarital sex, pregnancy outside marriage, defamation of character, and drug or alcohol abuse.»
«Dei sameinte arabiske emirata – Country Reports on Human Rights Practices». «In February an Indonesian woman convicted of adultery by the Shari'a court in the emiratet Fujairah, was sentenced to death by stoning after she purportedly insisted on such punishment. The sentence was commuted on appeal to 1 year in prison, followed by deportation. In June 1998, the Shari'a court in Fujairah sentenced three Omani nationals convicted of robbery to have their right hands amputated. The Fujairah prosecutor's office instead commuted the sentence to a term of imprisonment.»
«Dh500 000 expat verbal abuse case to be retried». The National. 8. desember 2010. «In the UAE, only verbal abuse pertaining to the sexual honour of a person would be tried under Sharia. For guilt to be proven, the attack must have been made in public and one reliable witness must testify. If convicted, a person would be sentenced to 80 lashes and would never be accepted as a valid witness in a Sharia-based case.»
Konfliktbarometer 2001(PDF), arkivert frå originalen(PDF) 12. mars 2007, henta 5. juni 2016. Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung
«Dei sameinte arabiske emirata - Global Progress»(PDF). s. 3. Arkivert frå originalen(PDF) 11. mars 2016. Henta 5. juni 2016. «Punishments include flogging, amputation, and – as retaliation – injury similar to that for which the offender has been convicted of inflicting on the victim.»