I høve Bibelens Andre Kongebok19:37 vart Sankerib drepen medan han bad til guden Nisrok av to av sønene sine, Adrammelek og Sareser, som hogde han ned med sverd, og begge flykta så til Ararat-landet. Dette er omtalt på ny i Jesajaboka37:38, og vert vist til i Andre Krønikebok32:21.
Frye, Richard Nelson (1992): «Assyria and Syria: Synonyms» i: Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Sitat: «And the ancient Assyrian empire, was the first real, empire in history. What do I mean, it had many different peoples included in the empire, all speaking Aramaic, and becoming what may be called, «Assyrian citizens». That was the first time in history, that we have this. For example, Elamite musicians, were brought to Nineveh, and they were 'made Assyrians' which means, that Assyria, was more than a small country, it was the empire, the whole Fertile Crescent.»