«CHAPTER IV – PROTECTION OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS». Constitution of the Republic of the Gambia. 1997. Arkivert frå originalen 12. desember 2008. Henta 14. januar 2009. «25. Freedom of speech, conscience, assembly, association and movement (1) Every person shall have the right to - [...] (c) freedom to practice any religion and to manifest such practice;»
«CHAPTER IV – PROTECTION OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS». Constitution of the Republic of the Gambia. 1997. Arkivert frå originalen 12. desember 2008. Henta 14. januar 2009. «25. Freedom of speech, conscience, assembly, association and movement (1) Every person shall have the right to - [...] (c) freedom to practice any religion and to manifest such practice;»