Abebe, Nitsuh."A Life Less Lived" Pitchfork.com. 24. januar 2007. Henta 12. desember 2011. "Familiar classics from the bands who turned out to be goth's godfathers-- Joy Division, the Cure, Bauhaus, Siouxsie & the Banshees-- but the heart of the thing remains England's 1980s goth heyday, where the urge to dance comes out in grim, grinding, relentless music for the fake undead: Look to the Sisters of Mercy's steamroller Temple of Love"
Reynolds, Simon. A Life Less Lived: The Gothic Box. Reynoldsretro. Henta 12. desember 2011. "More than Bowie or Bolan, though, it was Alice Cooper who was the true ungodly godfather of Goth, his grisly theatrics and black humor blazing the trail for the likes of Christian Death and Specimen".