Gareth D. Williams, Banished voices: readings in Ovid's Exile Poetry (Cambridge University Press, 1994), s. 132 online.
Peter Knox, A Companion to Ovid (Blackwell, 2009), s. 424 online.
Jane Chance, The Mythographic Chaucer (University of Michigan Press, 1995), s. 65 online.
Troni Y. Grande, Marlovian Tragedy (Associated University Presses, 1990), s. 14 online, 40–42 et passim; Frederic B. Tromly, Playing with Desire: Christopher Marlowe and the Art of Tantalization (University of Toronto Press, 1998), s. 181.
Coppélia Kahn, Man's estate: Masculine Identity in Shakespeare (University of California Press, 1981), s. 53 online.
Su Fang Nu, Literature and the Politics of Family in Seventeenth-Century England (Cambridge University Press, 2007), s. 154 online; R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, Lucifer and Prometheus (Routledge, 2001, reprinted from 1952), s. 32 online.
R. J. Schork, Latin and Roman Culture in Joyce (University Press of Florida, 1997), s. 160 online.