Spansk Exemplo XXXIIº – De lo que contesció a un rey con los burladores que fizieron el paño. Engelsk Of that which happened to a King and three Impostors from Count Lucanor; of the Fifty Pleasant Stories of Patronio, written by the Prince Don Juan Manuel and first translated into English by James York, M. D., 1868, Gibbings & Company, Limited; London; 1899; pp. xiii–xvi. Accessed 2010-03-06.
Spansk Exemplo XXXIIº – De lo que contesció a un rey con los burladores que fizieron el paño. Engelsk Of that which happened to a King and three Impostors from Count Lucanor; of the Fifty Pleasant Stories of Patronio, written by the Prince Don Juan Manuel and first translated into English by James York, M. D., 1868, Gibbings & Company, Limited; London; 1899; pp. xiii–xvi. Accessed 2010-03-06.