Erlewine, Stephen Thomas. «The Cult - Biography». Allmusic. Henta 21. mars 2011.. «Picking up the pseudo-mysticism and Native American obsessions of The Doors [and] the guitar-orchestrations of Led Zeppelin ... The Cult gained a dedicated following in their native Britain.»
Dave Lewis (1994). The Complete Guide to the Music of Led Zeppelin (Kindle Edition utg.). Omnibus Press. s. 3. ASINB0033780TA. CS1 maint: Extra text (link)
Davis, Stephen (1995). Hammer of the Gods: The Led Zeppelin Saga (LPC). New York: Berkley Boulevard Books. s. 32, 44, 64, 190, 225, 277. ISBN978-0425182130. OCLC0330438591.