Boyer, Horace C. (1995). How Sweet the Sound: The Golden Age of Gospel. Montgomery, Alabama: Elliott & Clark. s. 201. ISBN9781880216194. «In 1937 Clarence Fountain (b. 1929) was an elementary school student singing in the Talladega Institute for the Deaf and Blind Glee Club. Fountain and a friend, Johnny Fields (b. 1927), selected George Scott (b. 1929), Olice Thomas (b. 1926), and Velma Bozman Traylor (1923–47) from the Glee Club and formed the Happy Land Jubilee Singers.»
Irvine, David (19. november 2009). «Fields' funeral today». The Daily DispatchXCV (271) (Henderson, North Carolina). s. 1A. Henta 9. april 2022. «Henderson lost one of its shining stars when Johnny Fields died on Nov 12.»
Faith, Blind (12. desember 2019). «Blind Faith». Tucson Weekly (Tucson, Arizona). Henta 14. desember 2019. «Carter, and fellow Blind Boys Eric «Ricky» McKinnie, Ben Moore and Paul Beasley (who are also blind), and Joey Williams, Stephen Raynard Ladson and Peter Levin will be hitting Tucson to spread some holiday cheer next week.»[daud lenkje]