British Sporting Rifle Club: MembershipArkivert 8. august 2020 hos Wayback Machine."The discipline does however have a serious practical application as demonstrated by an event called the Swedish Deer Test. [...] This test still forms part of the qualification required for the grant of a hunting license in parts of Scandinavia."
British Sporting Rifle Club: MembershipArkivert 8. august 2020 hos Wayback Machine."The discipline does however have a serious practical application as demonstrated by an event called the Swedish Deer Test. [...] This test still forms part of the qualification required for the grant of a hunting license in parts of Scandinavia."
Top 12 Fastest Land Animals In The World"Both roe deer and moose can run upto 60 km/h (37 mph), while the world's third fastest deer - the red deer - can reach 65 km/h"