«The Challenge of Divestiture», The New York Times. 25. oktober 1983. Sitat: «Under the antitrust settlement A.T.& T. signed with the Justice Department in January 1982, the divested organizations not only will be local telephone carriers, but, with certain restrictions, they will have the right to enter other businesses as well.»
«The Challenge of Divestiture», The New York Times. 25. oktober 1983. Sitat: «The 7 Holding Companies. The seven regional holding companies that will result from the breakup of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company are sketched here, with a brief outline of their potential strengths and weaknesses.»
«Digest», The Washington Post. 2. mars 1994. Sitat: «AT&T is asking shareholders to change its official name from American Telephone & Telegraph Co. to AT&T Corp. at the annual meeting April 20 in Atlanta.»