Attila (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Attila" in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
182nd place
473rd place
1st place
1st place
2,220th place
2,837th place
345th place
1,865th place
40th place
17th place
low place
low place
7,778th place
7,689th place

  • Treccani-leksikonet online, oppført som Àttila, Treccani-ID attila, besøkt 8. mars 2022[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  • Dizionario di Storia, Treccani's Dizionario di Storia ID attila, utgitt 2010, besøkt 8. mars 2022[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  • Treccani-leksikonet, oppført som ATTILA, Enciclopedia Italiana-ID attila, utgitt 1930, besøkt 8. mars 2022[Hentet fra Wikidata]

  • Jordanes, XXXV Arkivert 31. juli 2019 hos Wayback Machine.
  • Omeljan Pritsak (1982): «Hunnic names of the Attila clan» (PDF). Harvard Ukrainian Studies VI: 444. «Άττίλα/Αίίϋα.95 In 1955 I showed that 'Αττίλας/Attila should be analyzed as a composite title consisting of *es 'great, old', *t4l• 'sea, ocean', and the suffix /a/. The stressed back syllabic til (= tlill) assimilated the front member es, so it became *as.96 The consonantic sequence s-t (aş til-) became, due to metathesis, t-s, which by assimilation resulted in tt.97 In 1981 I was able to establish a Danube-Bulgarian nominative-suffix /A/ from the consonantic stems.98 Recalling that Danube-Bulgarian was a Hunnic language, I can now add to the data in the article of 1955 the following: the Hunnic title attila is a nominative,(in /A/) form of attil- (< *etsil < *es til) with the meaning "the oceanic, universal [ruler];" cf. the title of the Pećeneg ruler Куря, i.e., Kür+ä,meaning "universal" (cf. no. 3).»

  • World History Encyclopedia, World History Encyclopedia-ID Attila_the_Hun, besøkt 8. mars 2022, «Attila's date and place of birth is unknown.»[Hentet fra Wikidata]