«Brno». www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org. Besøkt 30. januar 2022.
«Loutkář online». www.loutkar.eu. Besøkt 23. september 2018. «Another important group was Radost (Joy) Theatre founded in 1949 in Brno where Josef Kaláb and Jarmila Majerová produced the famous Zlatovlaska (Goldilocks) in 1953. Some solo players remained: Josef Pehr showed his skill as a glove puppet player with the participation of his resident character Pepíček. Jiří Jaroš, famous for his excellent productions Krása Nevídaná (Incredible Beauty) by Y. Speransky (1962) and Tajemství zlatého klíčku (Secret of the Golden Key) by E. Borisová (1964) also brought new ideas to Czech theatre.»