Glover, Bill: «Cable Timeline: 1845–1900», History of the Atlantic Cable & Undersea Communications from the first submarine cable of 1850 to the worldwide fiber optic network. Lest 13. april 2016.
P.H. de Buisonje og J.I.S. Zonneveld: «Caracasbaai: A submarine slide of a huge coastal fragment in Curacao», New West Indian Guide, årg. 51, nr. 1, 1976, s. 59. Sitat: «Main features of the Caracasbaai area are the relatively high erosional remnants of the limestone coast-range, such as the Seroe Mansinga (47 m) to the north-west and the Kabrietenberg (80 m), Seroe Boca (81 m) and the Tafelberg Santa Barbara (196 m) to the south-east of the Caracasbaai».
«Lesser Antilles», Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Lest 22. mars 2016.
«Sint Anna Bay», Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Lest 22. mars 2016.
Statistical Yearbook Curaçao 2013, Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao, 2015, s. 21. TilgjengeligArkivert 11. juni 2016 hos Wayback Machine. for nedlasting.
«Curaçao»Arkivert 6. august 2020 hos Wayback Machine., R4V, Regional Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela, IOM og UNHCR. Lest 30. juli 2020.
«Curaçao»Arkivert 6. august 2020 hos Wayback Machine., R4V, Regional Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela, IOM og UNHCR. Lest 30. juli 2020.
Statistical Yearbook Curaçao 2013, Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao, 2015, s. 21. TilgjengeligArkivert 11. juni 2016 hos Wayback Machine. for nedlasting.