(en) The ABS estimates in a 2003 study that there are between 50,000 and 150,000 people claiming Danish ancestry living in Australia. The middle number has been used, and no change since 03 has been assumed.
The CIA World FactbookArkivert 9. mai 2020 hos Wayback Machine. reports that Greenland, in a July 2005 estimate, has 56,375 inhabitants. The share of Danes was in 2000 estimated to be just below 12%. Taking for granted that the two ethnic groups have developed equally from 2000 to 2005, this adds up to an estimate just below 6765 Danish people in July 2005.
Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik nr. 216 (pdf, tal pr. 1. april, 2007. Af Danmarks samlede indbyggertal på 5.451.826 angiver Danmarks Statistik 483.390 af disse som værende af anden etnisk oprindelse end dansk. 4.968.436 indbyggere i Danmark angives som værende af etnisk dansk oprindelse. På samme tidspunkt havde i alt 5.167.996 personer dansk statsborgerskab.
The CIA World FactbookArkivert 9. mai 2020 hos Wayback Machine. reports that Greenland, in a July 2005 estimate, has 56,375 inhabitants. The share of Danes was in 2000 estimated to be just below 12%. Taking for granted that the two ethnic groups have developed equally from 2000 to 2005, this adds up to an estimate just below 6765 Danish people in July 2005.