Jackson, Thomas (1615): First Sermon upon Matthew 7,12, s. 612; Camfield, Benjamin (1671): The Comprehensive Rule of Righteousness; Boraston, George (1683): The Royal Law, or the Golden Rule of Justice and Charity; Goodman, John (1688): The Golden Rule, or, the Royal Law of Equity explained; du Roy, Olivier (2008): The Golden Rule as the Law of Nature, Neusner, Jacob; Chilton, Bruce, red.: The Golden Rule – The Ethics of Reprocity in World Religions'. London/New York, s. 94.
Sitatet er oversatt/tolket fra engelsk: «Now this is the command: Do to the doer to make him do.»; Eloquent Peasant (PDF); arkivert fra originalen 25. september 2015. Sitat: «Now this is the command: do to the doer to make him do»
Sitatet er oversatt/tolket fra engelsk: «Now this is the command: Do to the doer to make him do.»; Eloquent Peasant (PDF); arkivert fra originalen 25. september 2015. Sitat: «Now this is the command: do to the doer to make him do»