[2]Arkivert 3. april 2018 hos Wayback Machine. Edward A. Fox: The Digital Libraries Initiative – Update and Discussion, Bulletin of the America Society of Information Science, Vol. 26, No 1, October/November 1999.
Greenstein, Daniel I., Thorin, Suzanne Elizabeth. The Digital Library: A Biography" Digital Library Federation (2002) ISBN 1-933645-18-0 (Accessed hereArkivert 7. april 2008 hos Wayback Machine. June 25, 2007)
[1] Kahn, R. E., & Cerf, V. G. (1988). The Digital Library Project Volume I: The World of Knowbots, (DRAFT): An Open Architecture For a Digital Library System and a Plan For Its Development. Reston, VA: Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
Greenstein, Daniel I., Thorin, Suzanne Elizabeth. The Digital Library: A Biography" Digital Library Federation (2002) ISBN 1-933645-18-0 (Accessed hereArkivert 7. april 2008 hos Wayback Machine. June 25, 2007)
[2]Arkivert 3. april 2018 hos Wayback Machine. Edward A. Fox: The Digital Libraries Initiative – Update and Discussion, Bulletin of the America Society of Information Science, Vol. 26, No 1, October/November 1999.