Dire Straits (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Dire Straits" in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
1,595th place
3rd place
12th place
35th place
5th place
13th place
1,237th place
637th place
667th place
5th place
28th place
77th place
40th place
17th place
140th place
469th place
47th place
147th place
108th place
391st place
204th place
397th place
8th place
21st place
2,017th place
5,692nd place
402nd place
625th place



  • «Mark Knopfler hurt in crash». BBC News (på engelsk). 18. mars 2003. Besøkt 17. juni 2020. «The band is probably best known for its album Brothers in Arms, which sold more than 30 million copies worldwide.» 



  • Stockdale, Charles. «The 100 most popular rock bands of all time». Business Insider. Besøkt 17. juni 2020. «Formed in: London, United Kingdom in 1977. All time US album sales: 15.5 million. Most popular album: Brothers in Arms. Annual Wikipedia page views: 1,742,360» 



  • CNN, By Heather Kelly (2. oktober 2012). «Rock on! The compact disc turns 30». CNN. Besøkt 17. juni 2020. «Mass adoption didn't happen immediately -- CDs wouldn't overtake cassette tapes until the late 1980s. The first album to sell 1 million copies in the CD format and outsell its vinyl version was Dire Straits' "Brothers in Arms," released in 1985» 






  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-ID dire-straits[Hentet fra Wikidata]
  • Omtale på nettstedets hjemmeside; besøkt 24. mars 2018.


  • Portwood, Rob Sheffield,Brittany Spanos,Claire Shaffer,Jonathan Bernstein,Elias Leight,Jon Freeman,Kory Grow,Andy Greene,Joseph Hudak,Brenna Ehrlich,Jon Blistein,Angie Martoccio,Jon Dolan,Jason Newman,Jerry; Dolan, Jon (19. mai 2020). «The 100 Greatest Debut Singles of All Time». Rolling Stone (på engelsk). Besøkt 17. juni 2020. «One night in the late Seventies, Mark Knopfler got a pint at his local pub, when a crappy band playing there captured his attention with their mediocrity. When they were done, they introduced themselves as the Sultans of Swing, an idea that seemed preposterous because of how bad they were. So he wrote some humorous lyrics about it, put them to some jazz chords, and casually tossed in one of the most brilliant guitar solos of the era. His “Sultans of Swing” presented the opposite experience of the Sultans he saw that night — smart, catchy, expertly played music — and it set up Dire Straits for superstardom. K.G.» 



  • «Queen most loved band». the Guardian (på engelsk). 5. juli 2005. Besøkt 17. juni 2020. «According to the compilers of the Guinness Book of British Hit Singles and Albums, Queen have spent 1,322 weeks on the chart, compared with the Beatles' 1,293 weeks.» 
  • Denselow, Robin (20. juni 2018). «Dire Straits: straight on up from Deptford to Dylan - archive, 20 June 1979». The Guardian (på engelsk). ISSN 0261-3077. Besøkt 18. juni 2020. 
  • Doyle, Sady (18. januar 2011). «Dire Straits' homophobic faux-pas | Sady Doyle». The Guardian (på engelsk). ISSN 0261-3077. Besøkt 18. juni 2020. «Money for Nothing – yes, that Money for Nothing; the song of inescapable refrain, haunted by the spectre of Sting wailing that he wants his, he wants his, he wants his M-T-veeeee – has been "banned" by the CSBC. Specifically, it's been "banned" because it repeats the word "faggot" three separate times.» 
  • Michaels, Sean (17. januar 2011). «Dire Straits' Money for Nothing banned on Canadian radio». The Guardian (på engelsk). ISSN 0261-3077. Besøkt 18. juni 2020. «Although it has become a rock'n'roll anthem, Money for Nothing contains three instances of the anti-gay slur "faggot". Last week, the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) reviewed the song after receiving a complaint from a listener in Newfoundland. Its lyrics were found to be "unacceptable"» 
  • Sullivan, Caroline (11. juni 2011). «Brothers in Arms popularises the CD». The Guardian (på engelsk). ISSN 0261-3077. Besøkt 18. juni 2020. «Brothers in Arms, with its clean, precise production, was the perfect advert for CD – it was also the first album to be recorded entirely digitally – and it became the default demonstration disc used by shops to persuade customers to spring for a CD player.» 
  • Press, Associated (15. april 2018). «Sultan of snub: Mark Knopfler skips Dire Straits' hall of fame induction». The Guardian (på engelsk). ISSN 0261-3077. Besøkt 18. juni 2020. 


  • «Money for Nothing and Your Chicks for Free: Another Loss for Context and Subtlety». Vancouver Sun (på engelsk). 14. januar 2011. Besøkt 18. juni 2020. «Surprisingly, the Broadcast Standards Council did not pass any judgement on the sexist and racist lyrics emanating from the same young louts. “Your chicks for free” is their explicit endorsement of women who provide sexual services to rockstars, without any need for commitment or economic support. “Banging on the bongos like a chimpanzee” is their not so subtle racism.» 
