John av Worcester: Chronicon AD 946; William av Malmesbury: Gesta regum, bok 2, kapittel 144. Beskrivelsen av omstendighetene forble en populær innslag i middelalderens krøniker hvor det stadig ble lagt til detaljer. I Ranulf HigdensPolychronicon: «But William, libro ij° de Regibus, seyth (says) that this kyng kepyng a feste at Pulkirchirche, in the feste of seynte Austyn, and seyng a thefe, Leof by name, sytte [th]er amonge hys gestes, whom he hade made blynde afore for his trespasses – (quem rex prios propter scelera eliminaverat, whom the King previously due to his crimes did excile) – , arysede (arrested) from the table, and takenge that man by the heire of the hedde, caste him unto the grownde. Whiche kynge was sleyn – (sed nebulonis arcano evisceratus est) – with a lyttle knyfe the [th]e man hade in his honde [hand]; and also he hurte mony men soore with the same knyfe; neverthelesse he was kytte (cut) at the laste into smalle partes by men longyng to the kynge.» Polychronicon, 1527.