Pletten, Geir Barstein Christina (9. august 2016). «Den republikanske eks-agenten kan ramme Trump hardt». Aftenposten. Besøkt 22. mars 2020. «Det er ekstremt usannsynlig at Evan McMullin blir president. Likevel kan han få stor innflytelse på valget, mener professor Richard Davis ved Brigham Young University i Utah.»
«Who is Evan McMullin? An unorthodox presidential contender who has led an unusual life». The Salt Lake Tribune (på engelsk). 28. oktober 2016. Besøkt 22. mars 2020. «He went straight from the CIA to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and, when he graduated, landed a job with Goldman Sachs in San Francisco. He was part of a team of young MBA graduates who worked on mergers and acquisitions, and helped companies raise capital.»
Gambino, Sabrina Siddiqui Lauren; York, Amber Jamieson in New (8. august 2016). «Republican Evan McMullin to launch presidential run against Trump». The Guardian (på engelsk). ISSN0261-3077. Besøkt 22. mars 2020. «McMullin previously advised the House committee on foreign affairs on national security issues and was the chief policy director with the House Republican Conference.»
Gambino, Sabrina Siddiqui Lauren; York, Amber Jamieson in New (8. august 2016). «Republican Evan McMullin to launch presidential run against Trump». The Guardian (på engelsk). ISSN0261-3077. Besøkt 22. mars 2020. «McMullin previously advised the House committee on foreign affairs on national security issues and was the chief policy director with the House Republican Conference.»