"Directors on the ADHD theory of "Everything Everywhere All at Once""; Salon.com; besøksdato: 2. februar 2023; forfatternavn: Hanh Nguyen; utgivelsesdato: 17. april 2022; verkets språk: engelsk; sitat: When we first started writing this movie, we knew we wanted to make a movie about chaos and about this overwhelming feeling that everyone's been feeling the past six years.
"Everything Everywhere All At Once's Real Meaning Explained"; Screen Rant; besøksdato: 2. februar 2023; forfatternavn: Ray Eckman; sitat: Everything Everywhere All At Once is best explained through its comedic scenes, as these drive its point home with its absurdist style and messaging; sist oppdatert: 23. januar 2023.
"‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Is a Masterpiece"; The Atlantic; undertittel: Profound in its silliness, the movie wants to find the meaning of life.; besøksdato: 2. februar 2023; forfatternavn: Jordan Calhoun; utgivelsesdato: 8. april 2022; sitat: But Everything Everywhere’s silliness is a Trojan horse that hides an earnest message about the meaning of life.
"What ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ gets right about the Asian mother-daughter bond"; besøksdato: 2. februar 2023; forfatternavn: Gladys Lai; utgivelsesdato: 5. mai 2022; sitat: To zoom in so closely on the film’s mother-daughter relationship, then, might seem too narrow, but the tension between Yeoh’s Evelyn, and her only child Joy [...] along with her marriage to sweet husband Waymond [...] is the driving emotional force..
"Hollywood’s hot new trend: Parents who say they’re sorry"; Vox; undertittel: Everything Everywhere All at Once and Turning Red are part of a burgeoning subgenre: the millennial parental apology fantasy.; besøksdato: 2. februar 2023; forfatternavn: Emily St. James; utgivelsesdato: 25. april 2022; sitat: In Everything Everywhere All at Once, a mother and daughter attempt to improve their relationship across the multiverse.