Første verdenskrig (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Første verdenskrig" in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
9,264th place
7,441st place
1st place
1st place
1,752nd place
371st place
6th place
42nd place
744th place
984th place
2,734th place
low place
20th place
44th place
7th place
33rd place
12th place
35th place
5,604th place
6,302nd place
204th place
397th place
low place
low place
4,202nd place
3,497th place
8,241st place
low place
667th place
5th place
9th place
39th place
489th place
755th place
6,226th place
low place
2,712th place
457th place
1,687th place
1,216th place
92nd place
365th place
3,979th place
2,186th place
low place
low place
1,008th place
1,078th place
low place
low place
3rd place
36th place
2nd place
9th place
2,831st place
low place
2,421st place
2,362nd place
61st place
150th place
5,270th place
9,009th place
1,154th place
2,704th place
4,378th place
8,222nd place
1,366th place
5,954th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,755th place
5,515th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
163rd place
low place
low place
30th place
94th place
26th place
107th place
36th place
119th place



  • USA anså at The London Declaration concerning the Laws of Naval War fra 1909 skulle respekteres, selv om den ikke var ratifisert av noen av de stridende partene, og derfor ikke var gjeldende internasjonal lov. Se «Freedom of the Seas», fra International Encyclopedia of the First World War
  • «War Losses», fra International Encyclopedia of the First World War (Største tall er valgt, og de er avrundet til nærmeste 100 tusen
  • Boris Barth (4. mars 2015). «Imperialism». International Encyclopedia of the First World War”. Besøkt 16. juli 2020. 
  • «Imperialism», fra International Encyclopedia of the First World War
  • «Germany's Blank Cheque to Austria-Hungary», fra International Encyclopedia of the First World War
  • Ian M. Brown (8. oktober 2014). «Transportation and Logistics». International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 25. januar 2018. 
  • Gerd Krumeich (11. oktober 2016). «Burgfrieden/Union sacrée». International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 23. desember 2017. 
  • «Refugees», artikkel av Peter Gatrell, 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War
  • «Resettlement», artikkel av Peter Gatrell, 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War
  • Heidi J.S. Tworek (8. oktober 2014). «Wireless Telegraphy». 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 12. november 2017. 
  • Mark Wells (31. mars 2016). «Aircraft, Fighter and Pursuit». 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World. Besøkt 12. november 2017. 
  • Alan Sharp (8. oktober 2014). «The Paris Peace Conference and its Consequences». International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 22. mai 2020. «Self-determination had implications far beyond Europe. "What effect," asked Lansing, "will it have on the Irish, the Indians, the Egyptians and the nationalists among the Boers? Will it not breed discontent, disorder and rebellion?"[51] He was correct, not least because the Europeans had dealt their own image of moral superiority a terrible blow in four years of brutal warfare.» 
  • «Atrocities». International Encyclopedia of the First World War. 24. januar 2017. Besøkt 18. november 2017. 
  • Gerd Hankel (21. oktober 2016). «Leipzig War Crimes Trials». 1914-1918 Online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 20. november 2017. 
  • Heather Jones (8. oktober 2014). «Prisoners of War». 1914-1918 Online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 20. november 2017. 
  • Julie Anderson (3. august 2017). «Mutilation and Disfiguration». International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 21. desember 2017. 
  • Thomas Schneider (8. oktober 2014). «All Quiet on the Western Front (novel)». International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 14. desember 2014. 
  • Akeo Okada (8. oktober 2014). «Music». International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 13. desember 2017. 
  • Jay Winter (11. november 2014). «Historiography 1918-Today». International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Besøkt 17. desember 2017. 





  • Denise Winterman (15. september 2014). «World War One: How 250,000 Belgian refugees didn't leave a trace». BBC News Magazine. Besøkt 22. desember 2017. «The refugees were initially greeted with open arms. The government used their plight to encouraged anti-German sentiment and public support for the war. "Contact with the Belgian refugees acted as a good reminder of why the First World War was a war worth fighting," says Sheffield.
    Oversettelse: Flyktningene ble i begynnelsen mottatt med åpne armer. Regjeringen brukte deres skjebne for å oppmuntre anti-tyske følelser og almenhetens støtte for krigen. «Kontakt med de belgiske flyktningene fungerte som en god påminnelse om hvorfor første verdenskrig var verd å utkjempe,» sa Sheffied.»
  • Shashi Tharoor (2. juli 2016). «Why the Indian soldiers of WW1 were forgotten». BBC. Besøkt 25. november 2017. 



  • Wolfgang Kruse. «Frauenarbeit und Geschlechterverhältnisse | bpb». www.bpb.de (tysk). Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Besøkt 25. desember 2017. «Als die Oberste Heeresleitung deshalb 1916 eine weibliche Dienstpflicht forderte, lehnte die Reichsregierung dieses Ansinnen ab, weil sie dadurch die traditionelle Rolle als Hausfrau und Mutter gefährdet sah.» 
  • Wolfgang Kruse (6. mai 2013). «Frauenarbeit und Geschlechterverhältnisse». Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Besøkt 25. desember 2017. «Se tabell» 
  • Wolfgang Kruse (2013). «Frauenarbeit und Geschlechterverhältnisse». Bundeszentrale für politische bildung. Besøkt 26. desember 2017. «Es wäre gut, wenn diese Tatsache auch öffentlich deutlich zum Ausdruck gebracht würde und der weiblichen Agitation auf Gleichstellung in allen Berufen, und damit natürlich auch in politischer Beziehung, ein Riegel vorgeschoben würde. Ich stimme Eurer Exzellenz auch vollkommen zu, daß eine weibliche Dienstpflicht eine verfehlte Maßnahme ist.» 
  • Wolfgang Kruse (2013). «Frauenarbeit und Geschlechterverhältnisse, Der antifeministische Diskurs». Bundeszentrale für politische bildung. Besøkt 26. desember 2017. «Denn die Legende vom "Dolchstoß" der Heimat in den Rücken der "im Felde unbesiegten" Fronttruppen verfestigte noch einmal die Vorstellung, dass nur die Männer der Front geeignet waren, das Schicksal Deutschlands zu bestimmen.» 
  • Wolfgang Kruse (2013). «Frauenarbeit und Geschlechterverhältnisse». Bundeszentrale für politische bildung. Besøkt 26. desember 2017. «Einigen Frauen gelang es sogar, Führungstätigkeiten zu übernehmen, insbesondere gebildeten Frauen aus der bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung, die in den Militärbehörden Tätigkeiten in der Organisation der Sozialfürsorge für berufstätige Mütter übernahmen und dabei teilweise in Offiziersränge aufstiegen.» 
  • Wolfgang Kruse (2013). «Frauenarbeit und Geschlechterverhältnisse». Bundeszentrale für politische bildung. Besøkt 26. desember 2017. «Die lange vereinzelten, aber vielfältigen sozialen Proteste von Arbeiterfrauen und Jugendlichen wurden zunehmend zu einem integralen Bestandteil der proletarischen Antikriegsbewegungen der Jahre 1917/18, die schließlich zum Sturz des Kaiserreichs führten.» 
  • Wolfgang Kruse (2013). «Frauenarbeit und Geschlechterverhältnisse». Bundeszentrale für politische bildung. Besøkt 26. desember 2017. «Doch so berechtigt es ist, die kriegsbedingten Verwerfungen und Gegentendenzen zur weiblichen Emanzipation hervorzuheben, bleibt doch festzuhalten, dass die Kriegsmobilisierung der Frauen im Ersten Weltkrieg zu strukturellen und bewusstseinsmäßigen Veränderungen der Geschlechterverhältnisse geführt hat, die nicht auf allen Ebenen revidiert werden konnten.» 



  • Friedrich Stieve (Hrsg.): Iswolski im Weltkriege. Der Diplomatische Schriftwechsel Iswolskis aus den Jahren 1914–1917. Neue Dokumente aus den Geheimakten der russischen Staatsarchive. Im Auftrage des Deutschen Auswärtigen Amtes. Berlin 1925, s. 191ff. Londonavtalen


  • Hew Strachan (28. april 2004). «Foredrag hvor forfatteren snakker om sin bok The First World War ». C-Span. Besøkt 12. desember 2017. «...for all the countries, when they went to war in 1914, this was essentially a war of national self defence. Oversettelse: ...for alle landene, når de ble med i krigen i 1914, var det en nasjonal forsvarskrig. (fra 19:00 til 19:10)» 
  • Hew Strachan (28. april 2004). «Foredrag hvor forfatteren snakker om sin bok The First World War ». C-Span. Besøkt 12. desember 2017. «And what I find still amazing of this war is that it becomes very very quickly a war for big ideas. Oversettelse: Og hva jeg synes er forbløffende ved denne krigen er at den svært raskt blir en krig for store ideer. (fra 21:03 til 21:12)» 


  • «REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO REVIEW HISTORICAL INEQUALITIES IN COMMEMORATION». Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Besøkt 22. april 2021. «This report estimates that between 45,000 and 54,000 casualties (predominantly Indian, East African, West African, Egyptian and Somali personnel) were commemorated unequally. A further 116,000 casualties (predominantly, but not exclusively, East African and Egyptian personnel) but potentially as many as 350,000, were not commemorated by name or possibly not commemorated at all.» 




  • Schaller, Dominik J; Zimmerer, Jürgen (2008). «Late Ottoman genocides: the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and Young Turkish population and extermination policies – introduction». Journal of Genocide Research. 10 (1): 7–14. doi:10.1080/14623520801950820. 


  • Kersten Knipp (1. september 2018). «How World War I ended: 100 years later». Deutsche Welle. Besøkt 2. september 2018. «Military historians estimate that around 850 million artillery shells were fired during the World War I.» 
  • Sarah Judith Hofmann (1. august 2014). «Münkler: 'World War I defined a century'». Deutsche Welle. Besøkt 2. september 2018. «This is the European war which defined the rest of the 20th century. One can argue that, without this war, there wouldn't have been World War II, probably no National Socialism, no Stalinism and no Bolshevik takeover in Petrograd. It would have been a completely different century.» 














  • «Pogroms». Encyclopaedia Judaica. Jewish Virtual Library. Besøkt 17. november 2009. 








  • «The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.». Oversettelse: «De allierte og tilknyttede regjeringer fastholder og Tyskland aksepterer ansvaret Tyskland og hennes allierte har for å forårsake alt tap og skade som de allierte og deres tilknyttede regjeringer har blitt utsatt for som en konsekvens av krigen påtvunget dem av Tysklands og hennes alliertes aggresjon.». Se «Treaty of Versailles», fra The National Archives, Storbritannia
  • «The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.». Oversettelse: «De allierte og tilknyttede regjeringer fastholder og Tyskland aksepterer ansvaret Tyskland og hennes allierte har for å forårsake alt tap og skade som de allierte og deres tilknyttede regjeringer har blitt utsatt for som en konsekvens av krigen påtvunget dem av Tysklands og hennes alliertes aggresjon.». Se «Treaty of Versailles», fra The National Archives, Storbritannia
  • «The Mesopotamia campaign». British National Archives. Besøkt 10. mars 2007. 



  • Tom Bowman (10. juni 2020). «Pressure Mounts To Rename Army Bases That Honor Confederate Officers». npr.org. Besøkt 13. juli 2020. «The memo said the bases and camps would be named after Americans — preferably those with short names, to "avoid clerical labor." The military would choose the names of "Federal commanders" for facilities in the North, the memo stated, and "Confederate commanders for camps of divisions from southern states."» 


  • Gordon J. Davis (24. november 2015). «What Woodrow Wilson Cost My Grandfather». New York Times. Besøkt 28. juni 2020. «Wilson, a Virginia-born Democrat, is mostly remembered as a progressive, internationalist statesman, a benign and wise leader, a father of modern American political science and one of our nation’s great presidents. But he was also an avowed racist. And unlike many of his predecessors and successors in the White House, he put that racism into action through public policy. Most notably, his administration oversaw the segregation of the federal government, destroying the careers of thousands of talented and accomplished black civil servants — including John Abraham Davis, my paternal grandfather.» 
  • Lederartikkel (11. juli 2020). «Putting Heroes, and Traitors, Where They Belong». New York Times. Besøkt 13. juli 2020. «In a process that began under the Wilson administration in 1917, 10 Southern military installations were eventually named for the same Confederate officers who had waged war on the United States with the goal of preserving and expanding slavery.» 






  • Alexandra Topping (22. april 2021). «UK failure to commemorate black and Asian war dead known ‘for years’». The Guardian. Besøkt 22. april 2021. «The failure to properly commemorate hundreds of thousands of black and Asian troops who died fighting for the British empire has been known about for years, the head of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) has acknowledged. [...] “Pervasive racism” underpinned a failure to properly commemorate service personnel, the investigation found, quoting racist statements such as a governor saying in the 1920s that “the average native … would not understand or appreciate a headstone”. The commission concluded that soldiers were treated differently if they came from Commonwealth countries.» 
  • Chaudhary, Vivek (12. november 2017). «The forgotten Muslim heroes who fought for Britain in the trenches». the Guardian (engelsk). Besøkt 10. juli 2018. 


  • Rym Ghazal (14. april 2015). «Lebanon’s dark days of hunger: The Great Famine of 1915-18». The National. Besøkt 21. desember 2017. «This marked the beginning of a period that is now often just a footnote in the history books: the Great Famine of 1915-18, which left an estimated 500,000 people dead. With a lack of accurate data, estimates range from 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in Mount Lebanon alone. At this time, the population of Lebanon was estimated at about 400,000, meaning that half its people died. At 250,000, the American Red Cross estimated an even higher death toll.
    Oversettelse: Dette markerte begynnelsen av en periode som nå vanligvis kun er en fotnote i historiebøkene: den store hungersnøden i 1915-1918, som etterlot seg antatt 500 000 døde. Med mangel på presise data, varierer anslag mellom 100 000 til 200 000 døde i Mount Lebanon alene. På denne tiden var befolkningen i Libanon anslått til rundt 400 000, noe som betyr at halvparten døde. Med 250 000 døde hadde det amerikanske Røde Kors et enda høyere anslag.»



  • Rete Trentino Grande Guerre (Hrsg.): Die Museen und der Erste Weltkrieg im Trentino. Rovereto 2014; (Trentino Grande Guerra),





  • David Stevenson, professor i historie (25. november 2014). «The Military History of the First World War: An Overview and Analysis» (Video fra YouTube, fra 6:25 i videoen). Gresham College. Besøkt 16. november 2017. «If you want to call it something you ought to call it the German war plan or the Schlieffen-Moltke-plan.
    Oversettelse: Hvis du vil kalle det noe bør du kalle det den tyske krigsplanen eller Schlieffen-Moltke-planen.»