Indie (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Indie" in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
61st place
150th place
1st place
1st place

  • Claire Suddath (15. august 2010): How Pitchfork Struck a Note in Indie Music Arkivert 18. august 2010 hos Wayback Machine.. TIME Magazine. «After nearly 20 years of changing tastes and label consolidation, indie has become a catchall that suggests less what the music sounds like than the type of people who listen to it. The music may be rock or dance or hip-hop, but it all appeals to Pitchfork's shaggy-haired, skinny-jeans-wearing crowd, sitting on blankets with eyes closed in the summer sun.»

  • Claire Suddath (15. august 2010): How Pitchfork Struck a Note in Indie Music Arkivert 18. august 2010 hos Wayback Machine.. TIME Magazine. «After nearly 20 years of changing tastes and label consolidation, indie has become a catchall that suggests less what the music sounds like than the type of people who listen to it. The music may be rock or dance or hip-hop, but it all appeals to Pitchfork's shaggy-haired, skinny-jeans-wearing crowd, sitting on blankets with eyes closed in the summer sun.»