Rachman, Joseph (22. mai 2023). «In Jakarta, Political Kingmaking Starts Now». Foreign Policy (på engelsk). Besøkt 7. juni 2023. «Indonesia’s next presidential election may not be until February 2024, but the race is already heating up. With a population of 270 million, Indonesia’s presidential elections in some ways resemble those of the United States, with massive rallies and enormous sums of money spent. Yet while U.S. politics is marked by polarization, ideological alignments in Indonesia are often less clear. And since 2014, one man has dominated Indonesian politics: President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi.»
Directorate General of Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia – Central Government Debt Quarter I 2009, fra fra nettstedet slettgjelda.noArkivert 31. august 2010 hos Wayback Machine.
Directorate General of Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia – Central Government Debt Quarter I 2009, fra fra nettstedet slettgjelda.noArkivert 31. august 2010 hos Wayback Machine.