Victoria Cudmore, undergraduate, State University College at Oneonta. «Biographical Sketch of Jenova Martin». Alexander Street Documents. Besøkt 18. april 2023. «Martin wrote poetry, plays, and books as well as delivered suffragist speeches in her native language. In 1914, for example, when the legislature in North Dakota prepared to vote on an women's suffrage amendment to the state constitution, Martin traveled to the state to deliver speeches in both English and Norwegian, and to advise suffragists there.»
«Aftenposten, mandag 12.04.1937». Aftenposten. 12. april 1937. Besøkt 18. april 2023. «Den kjente norskfødte kvinnesaksforkjemper fru Jenova Martin er død i sitt hjem i Minneapolis, 71 år gammel. Hun utvandret fra Oslo i 1882 (---)»
«Luth Jæger död». Minneapolis Tidende. Minnesota, USA. 10. desember 1925.