«De hellige verneengler». Den katolske kirke (på norsk). Besøkt 6. februar 2022. «Jesus snakket ofte om engler. I Det nye Testamentet er de utallige, og det nevnes syv grupper: engler, makter, fyrster [myndigheter], krefter, herredømmer, troner og erkeengler. I Det gamle Testamentet nevnes to til: serafer og kjeruber.»
«Dionysius the Areopagite: Celestial Hierarchy». esoteric.msu.edu. Michigan State University. Besøkt 6. februar 2022. «Theology has given to the Celestial Beings nine interpretative names, and among these our divine initiator distinguishes three threefold Orders.(5) In the first rank of all he places those who, as we are told, dwell eternally in the constant presence of God, and cleave to Him, and above all others are immediately united to Him. And he says that the teachings of the holy Word testify that the most holy Thrones and many-eyed and many-winged ones, named in the Hebrew tongue Cherubim and Seraphim, are established immediately about God and nearest to Him above all others.»