«Data leak reveals Iran cover-up of Covid-19 deaths». BBC News (på engelsk). 3. august 2020. Besøkt 4. august 2020. «The government's own records appear to show almost 42,000 people died with Covid-19 symptoms up to 20 July, versus 14,405 reported by its health ministry. The number of people known to be infected is also almost double official figures: 451,024 as opposed to 278,827.»
Lien, Marthe S. (13. februar 2020). «Panikken sprer seg: - Redd oss». Dagbladet.no (på norsk). Besøkt 30. mai 2020. «Cruiseskipet Diamond Princess har ligget i karantene i havna i Yokohama i Japan siden 4. februar, etter at en tidligere passasjer ble diagnostisert med det smittsomme og potensielt dødelige viruset. Kort tid seinere ble viruset oppdaget hos ytterligere ti passasjerer, og har siden fortsatt å spre seg gjennom skipet.»
«BBC: Nye dokumenter viser det reelle tallet». Dagbladet.no (på norsk). 3. august 2020. Besøkt 4. august 2020. «BBC har fått tilgang til dokumenter som viser at det reelle tallet på smittede er 451 024 og at tallet på døde er nærmere 42 000. Det tilsvarer nesten tre ganger så mange som myndighetene i landet oppgir.»
Shu-An Lee; Dong-Chir Hwang; He-Yi Li; Chieh-Fu Tsai; Chun-Wan Chen; Jen-Kun Chen (2016). «Particle Size-Selective Assessment of Protection of European Standard FFP Respirators and Surgical Masks against Particles-Tested with Human Subjects». Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2016: 1-12. PMC5058571. PMID27195721. doi:10.1155/2016/8572493. WikidataQ28391342. «The European Standard (EN 149:2001) classifies FFRs into three classes: FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 with corresponding minimum filtration efficiencies of 80%, 94%, and 99%. Therefore, FFP2 respirators are approximately equivalent to N95 FFRs, making them recommended for use in the prevention of airborne infectious diseases in the US and some other countries. However, because FFP3 respirators provide the highest level of protection, they are the only FFP class acceptable to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for protection against infectious aerosols in healthcare settings in the UK. This poses a question. Do respirators with higher filtration efficiencies provide greater protection when human subjects don the respirators?»
«Coronavirus latest: Trump says US is 'terminating' ties with WHO». DW.com. 29. mai 2020. Besøkt 30. mai 2020. «Brazil has recorded a total of 27,878 coronavirus deaths, surpassing Spain with the fifth-most fatalities. The country reported 1,124 deaths on Friday. Brazil's death toll stands behind only the US, the UK, Italy and France.»
«Tracking covid-19 excess deaths across countries». The Economist. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 6. juni 2020. «A better way to measure the damage caused by such a medical crisis is to look at “excess mortality”: the gap between the total number of people who died from any cause, and the historical average for the same place and time of year.»
«Covid-19 has become one of the biggest killers of 2020». The Economist. 1. mai 2020. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 5. mai 2020. «THE FIRST known death from covid-19 occurred on January 9th in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Since then more than 235,000 lives have been lost to the disease, making it more deadly than the SARS, H1N1, MERS, and Ebola epidemics combined. But it is also killing more people than other, more familiar, causes of death.»
«In many rich countries covid-19 has slashed life expectancy to below 2015 levels». The Economist. 29. september 2021. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 5. oktober 2021. «Researchers in Britain, Denmark and Germany found that between 2019 and 2020 life expectancy at birth dropped in all but two of the 28 countries studied. Only in Denmark and Norway, and for women in Finland, did it rise. America, which has reported the world’s highest covid-19 death toll, fared worst, with male life expectancy at birth falling by more than two years.»
«Infections are rising fast in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan». Economist. 5. juni 2020. «Yet those numbers disguise both widespread undercounting and a rate of growth that was frightening even before the lifting of restrictions. At the current pace, the numbers are doubling every two weeks, suggesting that by the end of July, when some models predict the outbreak will peak, the official number infected may reach 5m and the death toll could approach 150,000.»
«After lockdown: the missing 10%». The Economist. 2. mai 2020. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 1. mai 2020. «Measures to hold the coronavirus at bay while keeping economies running could mean a reduction in GDP of10%.»
«Global coronavirus death toll could be 60% higher than reported». Financial Times. 26. april 2020. «Mortality statistics show 122,000 deaths in excess of normal levels across 14 countries analysed by the FT. Mortality statistics show 122,000 deaths in excess of normal levels across these locations, considerably higher than the 77,000 official Covid-19 deaths reported for the same places and time periods.»
Shu-An Lee; Dong-Chir Hwang; He-Yi Li; Chieh-Fu Tsai; Chun-Wan Chen; Jen-Kun Chen (2016). «Particle Size-Selective Assessment of Protection of European Standard FFP Respirators and Surgical Masks against Particles-Tested with Human Subjects». Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2016: 1-12. PMC5058571. PMID27195721. doi:10.1155/2016/8572493. WikidataQ28391342. «The European Standard (EN 149:2001) classifies FFRs into three classes: FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 with corresponding minimum filtration efficiencies of 80%, 94%, and 99%. Therefore, FFP2 respirators are approximately equivalent to N95 FFRs, making them recommended for use in the prevention of airborne infectious diseases in the US and some other countries. However, because FFP3 respirators provide the highest level of protection, they are the only FFP class acceptable to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for protection against infectious aerosols in healthcare settings in the UK. This poses a question. Do respirators with higher filtration efficiencies provide greater protection when human subjects don the respirators?»
Hjellen, Bjørnar (27. april 2020). «Avis: 60 prosent flere korona-døde enn antatt». NRK. Besøkt 27. april 2020. «Den britiske avisen Financial Times har sett nærmere på dødstall knyttet til covid-19 og mener det har skjedd en kraftig underrapportering.»
Helljesen, Vilde (8. mai 2020). «Felles for landene som er hardest rammet av koronautbruddet: Lav tillit til myndighetene». NRK. Besøkt 8. mai 2020. «Den viktigste forklaringen på at folk følger myndighetenes råd, er bekymring og uro for konsekvensene viruset har for helse og samfunn, viser undersøkelsen. I tillegg viser den at folk som har liten tillit til myndighetene, følger færrest råd.»
Veum, Eirik (30. mai 2020). «45 nye koronadøde: Sverige i verdenstoppen». NRK. Besøkt 30. mai 2020. «Det er registrert 45 nye koronarelaterte dødsfall i Sverige det siste døgnet. Det totale antallet er nå kommet opp i 4.395.»
Jin Wu; Allison McCann; Keith Collins; Rich Harris; Jon Huang; Sarah Almukhtar; K.K. Rebecca Lai; Derek Watkins; Anjali Singhvi; Jugal K. Patel; Karen Yourish; Mitch Smith; Amy Harmon; Mike Baker (28. januar 2020). «Coronavirus Map: Tracking the Spread of the Outbreak». The New York Times (på engelsk). Besøkt 12. mars 2020.
Shu-An Lee; Dong-Chir Hwang; He-Yi Li; Chieh-Fu Tsai; Chun-Wan Chen; Jen-Kun Chen (2016). «Particle Size-Selective Assessment of Protection of European Standard FFP Respirators and Surgical Masks against Particles-Tested with Human Subjects». Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2016: 1-12. PMC5058571. PMID27195721. doi:10.1155/2016/8572493. WikidataQ28391342. «The European Standard (EN 149:2001) classifies FFRs into three classes: FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3 with corresponding minimum filtration efficiencies of 80%, 94%, and 99%. Therefore, FFP2 respirators are approximately equivalent to N95 FFRs, making them recommended for use in the prevention of airborne infectious diseases in the US and some other countries. However, because FFP3 respirators provide the highest level of protection, they are the only FFP class acceptable to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for protection against infectious aerosols in healthcare settings in the UK. This poses a question. Do respirators with higher filtration efficiencies provide greater protection when human subjects don the respirators?»
Camero, Katie (6. februar 2020). «Scientists Link China Coronavirus to Intersection of Humans and Wildlife». Wall Street Journal (på engelsk). ISSN0099-9660. «Some researchers said bats weren't being sold at the Huanan market in Wuhan...The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization said they couldn't confirm if bats were present at the market.»
«Tracking covid-19 excess deaths across countries». The Economist. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 6. juni 2020. «A better way to measure the damage caused by such a medical crisis is to look at “excess mortality”: the gap between the total number of people who died from any cause, and the historical average for the same place and time of year.»
«Covid-19 has become one of the biggest killers of 2020». The Economist. 1. mai 2020. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 5. mai 2020. «THE FIRST known death from covid-19 occurred on January 9th in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Since then more than 235,000 lives have been lost to the disease, making it more deadly than the SARS, H1N1, MERS, and Ebola epidemics combined. But it is also killing more people than other, more familiar, causes of death.»
«In many rich countries covid-19 has slashed life expectancy to below 2015 levels». The Economist. 29. september 2021. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 5. oktober 2021. «Researchers in Britain, Denmark and Germany found that between 2019 and 2020 life expectancy at birth dropped in all but two of the 28 countries studied. Only in Denmark and Norway, and for women in Finland, did it rise. America, which has reported the world’s highest covid-19 death toll, fared worst, with male life expectancy at birth falling by more than two years.»
Magalhaes, Jeffrey T. Lewis and Luciana (28. mai 2020). «Brazil’s Daily Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses That of U.S.». Wall Street Journal (på engelsk). ISSN0099-9660. Besøkt 30. mai 2020. «Latin American country reports that 1,039 people died from Covid-19 in one day as president calls for the economy to reopen»
«After lockdown: the missing 10%». The Economist. 2. mai 2020. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 1. mai 2020. «Measures to hold the coronavirus at bay while keeping economies running could mean a reduction in GDP of10%.»
Camero, Katie (6. februar 2020). «Scientists Link China Coronavirus to Intersection of Humans and Wildlife». Wall Street Journal (på engelsk). ISSN0099-9660. «Some researchers said bats weren't being sold at the Huanan market in Wuhan...The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization said they couldn't confirm if bats were present at the market.»
Magalhaes, Jeffrey T. Lewis and Luciana (28. mai 2020). «Brazil’s Daily Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses That of U.S.». Wall Street Journal (på engelsk). ISSN0099-9660. Besøkt 30. mai 2020. «Latin American country reports that 1,039 people died from Covid-19 in one day as president calls for the economy to reopen»