Lennon/McCartney (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Lennon/McCartney" in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
low place
8,538th place
631st place
1,683rd place
low place
low place
1st place
1st place
228th place
520th place
902nd place
1,169th place
1,595th place
3rd place
259th place
718th place


  • Originalsitat: «There was a period when I thought I didn't write melodies, that Paul wrote those and I just wrote straight, shouting rock 'n roll. But, of course, when I think of some of my own songs... 'In My Life' or some of the early stuff... 'This Boy.' I was writing melody with the best of them.». Playboy Interview with John Lennon - The Beatles Interviews Database, basert på intervju med Playboy Magazine september 1980
  • Playboy Interview with John Lennon - The Beatles Interviews Database, basert på intervju med Playboy Magazine september 1980, hentet 29. juli 2015
  • Playboy Interview with John Lennon - The Beatles Interviews Database, basert på intervju med Playboy Magazine september 1980




  • Side 280-81, * Hunter Davies (1969). Beatles. Oslo: Cappelen.  Engelsk utgave: The Beatles - The Authorized Biography, 1968



  • The The Songs the Beatles Gave Away - Slate, 22. april 2013, hentet 31. juli 2015. Denne oversikten tar bare med artister som har hatt høye plasseringer gjennom sanger som ble gitt til dem av Lennon eller McCartney. Covere av kjente artister og artister som ikke slo gjennom med sangene tas ikke med. B-sider tas heller ikke med


  • Joshua Wolf Shenk: The Power of Two - The Atlantic, juli/august 2014, hentet 28. juli 2015

