Encyclopædia Britannica om kultur: «The definition of culture has long provoked debate. The earliest and most quoted definition is the one formulated in 1871 by Edward Burnett Tylor: «Culture or Civilization, taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.» Three things of enduring relevance are to be remarked in this definition. First, it treats culture and civilization as interchangeable terms. Second, it emphasizes ethnography. And third, it singles out that which is learned by means of living in society rather than what is inherited biologically.» Sitert fra: «anthropology», Encyclopædia Britannica. 3. februar 2013.
Keita, S O Y; Kittles, Royal, Bonney, Furbert-Harris, Dunston, Rotimi; Royal, C D M; Bonney, G E; Furbert-Harris, P; Dunston, G M; Rotimi, C N (2004). «Conceptualizing human variation». Nature. 36 (11s): S17–S20. PMID15507998. doi:10.1038/ng1455. «Many terms requiring definition for use describe demographic population groups better than the term 'race' because they invite examination of the criteria for classification.»CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Lewontin, Richard C. (1972). «The Apportionment of Human Diversity». Evolutionary Biology. 6: 381–397. doi:10.1007/978-1-4684-9063-3_14.
Ambrose, Stanley (1998). «Late Pleistocene human population bottlenecks, volcanic winter, and differentiation of modern humans». Journal of Human Evolution. 34 (6): 623–651. PMID9650103. doi:10.1006/jhev.1998.0219.
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Keita, S O Y; Kittles, Royal, Bonney, Furbert-Harris, Dunston, Rotimi; Royal, C D M; Bonney, G E; Furbert-Harris, P; Dunston, G M; Rotimi, C N (2004). «Conceptualizing human variation». Nature. 36 (11s): S17–S20. PMID15507998. doi:10.1038/ng1455. «Many terms requiring definition for use describe demographic population groups better than the term 'race' because they invite examination of the criteria for classification.»CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Keita, S O Y; Kittles, Royal, Bonney, Furbert-Harris, Dunston, Rotimi; Royal, C D M; Bonney, G E; Furbert-Harris, P; Dunston, G M; Rotimi, C N (2004). «Conceptualizing human variation». Nature. 36 (11s): S17–S20. PMID15507998. doi:10.1038/ng1455. «Many terms requiring definition for use describe demographic population groups better than the term 'race' because they invite examination of the criteria for classification.»CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Ambrose, Stanley (1998). «Late Pleistocene human population bottlenecks, volcanic winter, and differentiation of modern humans». Journal of Human Evolution. 34 (6): 623–651. PMID9650103. doi:10.1006/jhev.1998.0219.
Brøgger, Anton; Skorgen, Torgeir; Haugen, Ludwig K.; Walberg, Fred: rase - historisk bruk i Store norske leksikon på snl.no. Hentet 19. juli 2022 fra https://snl.no/rase_-_historisk_bruk
Voje, Kjetil Lysne; Brøgger, Anton; Skorgen, Torgeir; Haugen, Ludwig K.; Walberg, Fred: mennesket - forskjeller mellom menneskegrupper i Store norske leksikon på snl.no. Hentet 19. juli 2022 fra https://snl.no/mennesket_-_forskjeller_mellom_menneskegrupper