«The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency». www.cia.gov (på engelsk). 2016. Arkivert fra originalen 4. november 2010. Besøkt 10. september 2017. «religion estimate is based on the 2014 national census, including an estimate for the non-enumerated population of Rakhine State, which is assumed to mainly affiliate with the Islamic faith (2014 est.)»
«The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency». www.cia.gov (på engelsk). 2016. Arkivert fra originalen 4. november 2010. Besøkt 10. september 2017. «religion estimate is based on the 2014 national census, including an estimate for the non-enumerated population of Rakhine State, which is assumed to mainly affiliate with the Islamic faith (2014 est.)»