R.H.A. Plimmer (1912) [1908]. The Chemical Constitution of the Protein. Monographs on biochemistry. Part I. Analysis (2nd utg.). London: Longmans, Green and Co. s. 114.
Desmo Exports Limited, Chemical Manufacturers and Importers of India. «Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)». DesmoExports.com. Desmo Exports. Arkivert fra originalenBruk av |arkiv_url= krever at |arkivdato= også er angitt (hjelp). Besøkt 10. mai 2018.«Arkivert kopi». Arkivert fra originalen 11. juni 2016. Besøkt 10. mai 2018.
Ninomiya K, Technical Committee, Umami Manufacturers Association of Japan (1998). «Natural occurrence». Food Reviews International. 14 (2 & 3): 177–211. doi:10.1080/87559129809541157.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Lindemann, Bernd, Universität des Saarlandes, Medical Faculty, Physiology, Germany; Ogiwara Yoko, Ajinomoto Co., Inc., European Head Office, France; Ninomiya, Yuzo, Section Oral Function and Neurobiology, Department of Regulatory Oral Science, Kyushu University Graduate School, Japan. «The discovery of umami». Chem Senses. 27 (9): 843–4. PMID12438211. doi:10.1093/chemse/27.9.843.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Sano, Chiaki, Technology and Engineering Center, Ajinomoto Co, Japan. «History of glutamate production». The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 90 (3): 728S–732S. PMID19640955. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462F.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Yamaguchi, Shizuko, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan; Ninomiya, Kumiko, Technical Committee, Umami Manufacturers Association of Japan. (1998). «What is umami?». Food Reviews International. 14 (2 & 3): 123?138. doi:10.1080/87559129809541155.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Kurihara K. «Glutamate: from discovery as a food flavor to role as a basic taste (umami)?». The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 90 (3): 719S–722S. PMID19640953. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462D.
Rolls, Edmund T., Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience, United Kingdom, Supported by the Medical Research Council and in part by the International Glutamate Technical Committee, a nongovernmental organization funded by industrial producers and users of glutamate in food. «Functional neuroimaging of umami taste: what makes umami pleasant?». The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 90 (3): 804S–813S. PMID19571217. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462R.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Yamaguchi, Shizuko, Central Research Laboratories, Ajinomoto Co., Japan; Takahashi, Chikahito, Central Research Laboratories, Ajinomoto Co., Japan. «Interactions of monosodium glutamate and sodium chloride on saltiness and palatability of a clear soup». Journal of Food Science. 49 (1): 82?85. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.1984.tb13675.x.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Ball P, Woodward D, Beard T, Shoobridge A, Ferrier M. Sponsorship: We acknowledge the financial support of the International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC), a nongovernmental organization funded by industrial producers and users of glutamate in food. «Calcium diglutamate improves taste characteristics of lower-salt soup». Eur J Clin Nutr. 56 (6): 519–23. PMID12032651. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601343.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Freeman, Matthew, CNP, mph, Clinical Instructor (Adult Nurse Practitioner), Ohio State University. He reviewed 40 years of documents on PubMed, Medline, Lexis-Nexus, and Infotrac, and concluded there is no consistent clinical data to support the belief that MSG can elicit a headache, and there is no consistent evidence to suggest that individuals may be uniquely sensitive to MSG. (2006). «Reconsidering the effects of monosodium glutamate: A literature review». Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 18 (10): 482–6. PMID16999713. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2006.00160.x.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Walker R. «The significance of excursions above the ADI. Case study: monosodium glutamate». Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 30 (2 Pt 2): S119–21. PMID10597625. doi:10.1006/rtph.1999.1337.
Williams, A. N.; Woessner, K.M. (2009). «Monosodium glutamate 'allergy': menace or myth?». Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 39 (5): 640?646. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2222.2009.03221.x.
Yoshida T, Ajinomoto Co., Planning and Development Department, Japan. (1970). «Industrial manufacture of optically active glutamic acid through total synthesis». Chem Ing Tech. 42 (9–10): 641?644. doi:10.1002/cite.330420912.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Kinoshita Shukuo, Tokyo Research Laboratory, Kyowa Fermentation Industry Company; Udaka, Shigezo; Shimamoto, Masakazu. (1957). «Studies on amino acid fermentation. Part I. Production of L-glutamic acid by various microorganisms». J Gen Appl Microbiol. 3 (3): 193?205. doi:10.2323/jgam.3.193.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
«Monosodium glutamate search». FoodStandards.gov.au. Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Health Minister Chair, Peter Dutton MP. Arkivert fra originalen 15. desember 2018. Besøkt 10. mai 2018.
Lindemann, Bernd, Universität des Saarlandes, Medical Faculty, Physiology, Germany; Ogiwara Yoko, Ajinomoto Co., Inc., European Head Office, France; Ninomiya, Yuzo, Section Oral Function and Neurobiology, Department of Regulatory Oral Science, Kyushu University Graduate School, Japan. «The discovery of umami». Chem Senses. 27 (9): 843–4. PMID12438211. doi:10.1093/chemse/27.9.843.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Sano, Chiaki, Technology and Engineering Center, Ajinomoto Co, Japan. «History of glutamate production». The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 90 (3): 728S–732S. PMID19640955. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462F.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Kurihara K. «Glutamate: from discovery as a food flavor to role as a basic taste (umami)?». The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 90 (3): 719S–722S. PMID19640953. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462D.
Rolls, Edmund T., Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience, United Kingdom, Supported by the Medical Research Council and in part by the International Glutamate Technical Committee, a nongovernmental organization funded by industrial producers and users of glutamate in food. «Functional neuroimaging of umami taste: what makes umami pleasant?». The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 90 (3): 804S–813S. PMID19571217. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462R.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Ball P, Woodward D, Beard T, Shoobridge A, Ferrier M. Sponsorship: We acknowledge the financial support of the International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC), a nongovernmental organization funded by industrial producers and users of glutamate in food. «Calcium diglutamate improves taste characteristics of lower-salt soup». Eur J Clin Nutr. 56 (6): 519–23. PMID12032651. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601343.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Walker R, Lupien JR, School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, UK, and Food and Nutrition Division, FAO of the United Nations, Italy. «The safety evaluation of monosodium glutamate». Journal of Nutrition. 130 (4S Suppl): 1049S–52S. PMID10736380.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
«Executive Summary from the Report: Analysis of Adverse Reactions to Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) --no summary available, 8/11/2014.». Journal of Nutrition. 125 (6): 2891S–2906S. 1996. PMID7472671.
Freeman, Matthew, CNP, mph, Clinical Instructor (Adult Nurse Practitioner), Ohio State University. He reviewed 40 years of documents on PubMed, Medline, Lexis-Nexus, and Infotrac, and concluded there is no consistent clinical data to support the belief that MSG can elicit a headache, and there is no consistent evidence to suggest that individuals may be uniquely sensitive to MSG. (2006). «Reconsidering the effects of monosodium glutamate: A literature review». Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 18 (10): 482–6. PMID16999713. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2006.00160.x.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)
Walker R. «The significance of excursions above the ADI. Case study: monosodium glutamate». Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 30 (2 Pt 2): S119–21. PMID10597625. doi:10.1006/rtph.1999.1337.
Nicholas bakalar. «Nutrition: MSG Use Is Linked to Obesity». The New York Times. «Consumption of monosodium glutamate, or MSG, the widely used food additive, may increase the likelihood of being overweight, a new study says.»
Singh, K. K.; Desai, Pinakin, Director. «Glutamate Chemical». TriveniInterChem.com. Riveni InterChem of Triveni Chemicals, manufacturer & supplier of industrial chemicals, India. Arkivert fra originalenBruk av |arkiv_url= krever at |arkivdato= også er angitt (hjelp). Besøkt 10. mai 2018.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)«Arkivert kopi». Arkivert fra originalen 2. juli 2017. Besøkt 10. mai 2018.
«Monosodium glutamate search». FoodStandards.gov.au. Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Health Minister Chair, Peter Dutton MP. Arkivert fra originalen 15. desember 2018. Besøkt 10. mai 2018.
Singh, K. K.; Desai, Pinakin, Director. «Glutamate Chemical». TriveniInterChem.com. Riveni InterChem of Triveni Chemicals, manufacturer & supplier of industrial chemicals, India. Arkivert fra originalenBruk av |arkiv_url= krever at |arkivdato= også er angitt (hjelp). Besøkt 10. mai 2018.CS1-vedlikehold: Flere navn: forfatterliste (link)«Arkivert kopi». Arkivert fra originalen 2. juli 2017. Besøkt 10. mai 2018.
Desmo Exports Limited, Chemical Manufacturers and Importers of India. «Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)». DesmoExports.com. Desmo Exports. Arkivert fra originalenBruk av |arkiv_url= krever at |arkivdato= også er angitt (hjelp). Besøkt 10. mai 2018.«Arkivert kopi». Arkivert fra originalen 11. juni 2016. Besøkt 10. mai 2018.