CAIN ChronologyArkivert 5. februar 2012 hos Wayback Machine., oppslag for 25. november 1969: «The Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) became law. The main provision of the act was to make the franchise in local government elections in Northern Ireland the same as that in Britain.»
«Draft List of Deaths Related to the Conflict. 2002-»; Elliot, Marianne (2007): The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland: Peace Lectures from the Institute of Irish Studies at Liverpool University. University of Liverpool Institute of Irish Studies, Liverpool University Press, ISBN 1-84631-065-2. ss. 188.
CAIN ChronologyArkivert 5. februar 2012 hos Wayback Machine., oppslag for 25. november 1969: «The Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) became law. The main provision of the act was to make the franchise in local government elections in Northern Ireland the same as that in Britain.»