Cathy Cantwell, Robert Mayer and Michael Fischer (2002). The Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu Edition of the rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum: An Illustrated Inventory. Published by the Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing, University of Kent at Canterbury, in association with The British Library, London. Source: «Arkivert kopi». Arkivert fra originalen 17. august 2010. Besøkt 24. mars 2010. (accessed: Tuesday March 23, 2010)
Cathy Cantwell, Robert Mayer and Michael Fischer (2002). The Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang nor bu Edition of the rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum: An Illustrated Inventory. Published by the Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing, University of Kent at Canterbury, in association with The British Library, London. Source: «Arkivert kopi». Arkivert fra originalen 17. august 2010. Besøkt 24. mars 2010. (accessed: Tuesday March 23, 2010)