Greener, W.W. (1907). «Some advantages of the centar-fire principle». The gun and its development (1. utg.). New York: Bonanza Books. s. 141-142. Besøkt 19. januar 2016.
«Chemical Analysis Of Firearms: Caseless Ammunition». Bev Fitchett's Guns Magazine. 2018. Arkivert fra originalen 6. august 2018. Besøkt 6. august 2018. «Caseless ammunition has no cartridge case to serve as a heat sink and barrier between the propellant and the hot chamber walls. The problem of "cook-off," that is, the heat rather than the firing pin causing the cartridge to discharge, has always been a major disadvantage with caseless ammunition.»
«Chemical Analysis Of Firearms: Caseless Ammunition». Bev Fitchett's Guns Magazine. 2018. Arkivert fra originalen 6. august 2018. Besøkt 6. august 2018. «Caseless ammunition has no cartridge case to serve as a heat sink and barrier between the propellant and the hot chamber walls. The problem of "cook-off," that is, the heat rather than the firing pin causing the cartridge to discharge, has always been a major disadvantage with caseless ammunition.»