«In reply to the Platform, supporters of the «synthesis» counter by pointing to the fact that «Platformist» groups are usually very small, far smaller than «synthesis» federations (for example, compare the size of the French Anarchist Federation with, say, the Irish Workers Solidarity Movement or the French-language Alternative Libertaire)»«J.3.2 What are «synthesis» federations?» inArkivert 7. oktober 2010 hos Wayback Machine. An Anarchist FAQ
«In reply to the Platform, supporters of the «synthesis» counter by pointing to the fact that «Platformist» groups are usually very small, far smaller than «synthesis» federations (for example, compare the size of the French Anarchist Federation with, say, the Irish Workers Solidarity Movement or the French-language Alternative Libertaire)»«J.3.2 What are «synthesis» federations?» inArkivert 7. oktober 2010 hos Wayback Machine. An Anarchist FAQ