Kavi, Lesley; Gammage, Michael D.; Grubb, Blair P.; Karabin, Beverly L. (1. juni 2012). «Postural tachycardia syndrome: multiple symptoms, but easily missed». British Journal of General Practice. 599 (på engelsk). 62: 286–287. ISSN0960-1643. PMC3361090. PMID22687203. doi:10.3399/bjgp12X648963. «There is little knowledge of PoTS within the medical community and it is often misdiagnosed as anxiety, panic attacks, vaso-vagal syncope, chronic fatigue syndrome, or inappropriate sinus tachycardia.»CS1-vedlikehold: PMC-format (link)
Du, Lisa; Ring, Suzi (2020). «Debilitating Covid-19 Effects and Economic Costs May Linger for Years». www.bloomberg.com. «He was recently diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome -- a problem with the autonomic nervous system. The condition, which may develop after a viral illness, often causes heart palpitations, chest pain and brain fog, according to the Cleveland Clinic.»
CNN, Ryan Prior. «Months after Covid-19 infection, patients report breathing difficulty and fatigue». CNN. Besøkt 22. september 2020. «Gahan and others with long-haul Covid-19 symptoms face a condition called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, which refers to a sharp rise in heart rate that occurs when moving from a reclining to standing position. The pull of gravity causes blood to pool in the legs. This condition can cause dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting.»
Fedorowski, Artur; Li, Hongliang; Yu, Xichun; Koelsch, Kristi A.; Harris, Valerie M.; Liles, Campbell; Murphy, Taylor A.; Quadri, Syed M. S.; Scofield, Robert Hal (1. juli 2017). «Antiadrenergic autoimmunity in postural tachycardia syndrome». Europace: European Pacing, Arrhythmias, and Cardiac Electrophysiology: Journal of the Working Groups on Cardiac Pacing, Arrhythmias, and Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 7. 19: 1211–1219. ISSN1532-2092. PMC5834103. PMID27702852. doi:10.1093/europace/euw154. Besøkt 27. september 2020.
Kavi, Lesley; Gammage, Michael D.; Grubb, Blair P.; Karabin, Beverly L. (1. juni 2012). «Postural tachycardia syndrome: multiple symptoms, but easily missed». British Journal of General Practice. 599 (på engelsk). 62: 286–287. ISSN0960-1643. PMC3361090. PMID22687203. doi:10.3399/bjgp12X648963. «There is little knowledge of PoTS within the medical community and it is often misdiagnosed as anxiety, panic attacks, vaso-vagal syncope, chronic fatigue syndrome, or inappropriate sinus tachycardia.»CS1-vedlikehold: PMC-format (link)
Åse Mygland, spesialist i nevrologi (23.10.2019). «Postural takykardi syndrom (POTS)». Norsk Helseinformatikk AS. Arkivert fra originalen 5. mars 2021. «I oppreist/stående stilling (head-up tilt) får pas en økning i hjertefrekvens på ≥30 slag/min innen 10 min, uten ortostatisk hypotensjon.»
Fedorowski, Artur; Li, Hongliang; Yu, Xichun; Koelsch, Kristi A.; Harris, Valerie M.; Liles, Campbell; Murphy, Taylor A.; Quadri, Syed M. S.; Scofield, Robert Hal (1. juli 2017). «Antiadrenergic autoimmunity in postural tachycardia syndrome». Europace: European Pacing, Arrhythmias, and Cardiac Electrophysiology: Journal of the Working Groups on Cardiac Pacing, Arrhythmias, and Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 7. 19: 1211–1219. ISSN1532-2092. PMC5834103. PMID27702852. doi:10.1093/europace/euw154. Besøkt 27. september 2020.
Kavi, Lesley; Gammage, Michael D.; Grubb, Blair P.; Karabin, Beverly L. (1. juni 2012). «Postural tachycardia syndrome: multiple symptoms, but easily missed». British Journal of General Practice. 599 (på engelsk). 62: 286–287. ISSN0960-1643. PMC3361090. PMID22687203. doi:10.3399/bjgp12X648963. «There is little knowledge of PoTS within the medical community and it is often misdiagnosed as anxiety, panic attacks, vaso-vagal syncope, chronic fatigue syndrome, or inappropriate sinus tachycardia.»CS1-vedlikehold: PMC-format (link)
Yong, Ed (21. september 2020). «The Core Lesson of the COVID-19 Heart Debate». The Atlantic (på engelsk). Besøkt 22. september 2020. «Some long-haulers have been diagnosed with dysautonomia—a group of disorders that disrupt involuntary bodily functions, including heartbeats (which can become inexplicably fast) and blood pressure (which can suddenly crash).»
Copaken, Deborah (4. september 2020). «Did COVID-19 Mess Up My Heart?». The Atlantic (på engelsk). Besøkt 22. september 2020. «She’d been reading more and more professional chatter about cases of POTS and other cardiovascular disorders post-COVID, so she urged me to make an appointment with a cardiologist.»
Åse Mygland, spesialist i nevrologi (23.10.2019). «Postural takykardi syndrom (POTS)». Norsk Helseinformatikk AS. Arkivert fra originalen 5. mars 2021. «I oppreist/stående stilling (head-up tilt) får pas en økning i hjertefrekvens på ≥30 slag/min innen 10 min, uten ortostatisk hypotensjon.»
Fedorowski, Artur; Li, Hongliang; Yu, Xichun; Koelsch, Kristi A.; Harris, Valerie M.; Liles, Campbell; Murphy, Taylor A.; Quadri, Syed M. S.; Scofield, Robert Hal (1. juli 2017). «Antiadrenergic autoimmunity in postural tachycardia syndrome». Europace: European Pacing, Arrhythmias, and Cardiac Electrophysiology: Journal of the Working Groups on Cardiac Pacing, Arrhythmias, and Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 7. 19: 1211–1219. ISSN1532-2092. PMC5834103. PMID27702852. doi:10.1093/europace/euw154. Besøkt 27. september 2020.
Kavi, Lesley; Gammage, Michael D.; Grubb, Blair P.; Karabin, Beverly L. (1. juni 2012). «Postural tachycardia syndrome: multiple symptoms, but easily missed». British Journal of General Practice. 599 (på engelsk). 62: 286–287. ISSN0960-1643. PMC3361090. PMID22687203. doi:10.3399/bjgp12X648963. «There is little knowledge of PoTS within the medical community and it is often misdiagnosed as anxiety, panic attacks, vaso-vagal syncope, chronic fatigue syndrome, or inappropriate sinus tachycardia.»CS1-vedlikehold: PMC-format (link)