«Krever innsyn i Trumps drapsordre». Dagbladet.no (på norsk). 6. januar 2020. Besøkt 6. januar 2020. «Ledende demokratiske senatorer krever at president Donald Trump offentliggjør vurderingen bak droneangrepet som drepte den iranske generalen Qasem Soleimani.»
Smilden, Jan-Erik (5. januar 2020). «Trumps gavepakke til Irans herskere». Dagbladet.no (på norsk). Besøkt 6. januar 2020. ««Med ett målrettet drap har det iranske folket samlet seg bak sine ledere», skriver The New York Times. Det hjelper ikke at enkeltstående iranere eller små grupper i Norge, ellers i verden eller for den saks skyld i Iran, går ut med støtteerklæringer til USA og fordømmelse av den tidligere lederen i Revolusjonsgarden. Dette drapet har gjort de fleste iranere forbannet.»
«How Iran can respond to the killing of Qassem Suleimani, How Iran can respond to the killing of Qassem Suleimani». The Economist. 9. januar 2020. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 12. januar 2020. «According to Mike Pompeo, America’s secretary of state, President Donald Trump ordered the killing because the general was organising a plot which posed an imminent threat to American citizens. Compelling evidence for this has not been forthcoming; but a secondary justification—that among the tens of thousands of people killed by General Suleimani’s forces were at least 600 Americans—has also been widely used and appears to satisfy many Americans.»
Filkins, Dexter (23. september 2013). «The Shadow Commander». The New Yorker (på engelsk). ISSN0028-792X. Besøkt 4. januar 2020. «In the chaotic days after the attacks of September 11th, Ryan Crocker, then a senior State Department official, flew discreetly to Geneva to meet a group of Iranian diplomats. “I’d fly out on a Friday and then back on Sunday, so nobody in the office knew where I’d been,” Crocker told me. “We’d stay up all night in those meetings.” It seemed clear to Crocker that the Iranians were answering to Suleimani, whom they referred to as “Haji Qassem,” and that they were eager to help the United States destroy their mutual enemy,»
Jentoft, Morten (7. januar 2020). «Mange titalls døde under Soleimani-begravelse». NRK. Besøkt 11. januar 2020. «Nyhetsbyrået Isna melder at minst 50 mennesker er døde. Ifølge nyhetsbyrået Fars er minst 213 skadet i forbindelse med begravelsen i Kerman.»
Michael Crowley, Falih Hassan og Eric Schmitt (2. januar 2020). «U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces». New York Times. Besøkt 3. januar 2020. «Iran’s top security and intelligence commander was killed early Friday in a drone strike at Baghdad International Airport that was authorized by President Trump, American officials said.»
Szalai, Jennifer (17. juni 2020). «In ‘The Room Where It Happened,’ John Bolton Dumps His Notes and Smites His Enemies». The New York Times (på engelsk). ISSN0362-4331. Besøkt 29. juli 2020. «In June 2019, Iran had shot down an unmanned American drone, and Bolton, who has always championed what he proudly calls “disproportionate response,” pushed Trump to approve a series of military strikes in retaliation.»
Beaumont, Peter (3. januar 2020). «Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis: Iraqi killed in US strike was key militia figure». The Guardian (på engelsk). ISSN0261-3077. Besøkt 6. januar 2020. «A few days before his assassination in an American drone strike, Jamal Jafaar Mohammed Ali Ebrahimi – known more widely by his nom de guerre of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis – addressed a crowd of his supporters in Iraq. “The US ambassador, the Americans and their intelligence agencies must not think that they can sustain their control over their bases in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon,” he said, in the aftermath of US strikes that had killed two dozen members of the militia he founded.»
Beaumont, Peter (5. januar 2020). «Making of a martyr: how Qassem Suleimani was hunted down». The Observer (på engelsk). ISSN0029-7712. Besøkt 6. januar 2020. «Despite Muhandis ordering his militia away from the American embassy in Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone, they had been targeted by the Americans in response to a series of attacks on bases where US troops were present.»
«Drept etter ordre fra Trump: Dette var Qasem Soleimani». www.vg.no. 3. januar 2020. Besøkt 3. januar 2020. «Soleimani var involvert i militære operasjoner blant annet i Irak, Afghanistan, flere land Kaukasus-regionen, Syria, Asia, Sør-Amerika og til og med et attentatforsøk mot den saudiarabiske ambassadøren på en italiensk restaurant i Georgetown, skriver Washington Post.»
«Slik ble avgjørelsen om Soleimani-drapet tatt». www.vg.no. 5. januar 2020. Besøkt 5. januar 2020. «Til tross for at Qasem Soleimani lenge har vært på amerikanernes radar, unnlot både George W. Bush og Barack Obama å gå etter den mektige generalen.»
Filkins, Dexter (23. september 2013). «The Shadow Commander». The New Yorker (på engelsk). ISSN0028-792X. Besøkt 4. januar 2020. «In the chaotic days after the attacks of September 11th, Ryan Crocker, then a senior State Department official, flew discreetly to Geneva to meet a group of Iranian diplomats. “I’d fly out on a Friday and then back on Sunday, so nobody in the office knew where I’d been,” Crocker told me. “We’d stay up all night in those meetings.” It seemed clear to Crocker that the Iranians were answering to Suleimani, whom they referred to as “Haji Qassem,” and that they were eager to help the United States destroy their mutual enemy,»
Beaumont, Peter (3. januar 2020). «Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis: Iraqi killed in US strike was key militia figure». The Guardian (på engelsk). ISSN0261-3077. Besøkt 6. januar 2020. «A few days before his assassination in an American drone strike, Jamal Jafaar Mohammed Ali Ebrahimi – known more widely by his nom de guerre of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis – addressed a crowd of his supporters in Iraq. “The US ambassador, the Americans and their intelligence agencies must not think that they can sustain their control over their bases in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon,” he said, in the aftermath of US strikes that had killed two dozen members of the militia he founded.»
Beaumont, Peter (5. januar 2020). «Making of a martyr: how Qassem Suleimani was hunted down». The Observer (på engelsk). ISSN0029-7712. Besøkt 6. januar 2020. «Despite Muhandis ordering his militia away from the American embassy in Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone, they had been targeted by the Americans in response to a series of attacks on bases where US troops were present.»
«How Iran can respond to the killing of Qassem Suleimani, How Iran can respond to the killing of Qassem Suleimani». The Economist. 9. januar 2020. ISSN0013-0613. Besøkt 12. januar 2020. «According to Mike Pompeo, America’s secretary of state, President Donald Trump ordered the killing because the general was organising a plot which posed an imminent threat to American citizens. Compelling evidence for this has not been forthcoming; but a secondary justification—that among the tens of thousands of people killed by General Suleimani’s forces were at least 600 Americans—has also been widely used and appears to satisfy many Americans.»
Szalai, Jennifer (17. juni 2020). «In ‘The Room Where It Happened,’ John Bolton Dumps His Notes and Smites His Enemies». The New York Times (på engelsk). ISSN0362-4331. Besøkt 29. juli 2020. «In June 2019, Iran had shot down an unmanned American drone, and Bolton, who has always championed what he proudly calls “disproportionate response,” pushed Trump to approve a series of military strikes in retaliation.»