«+TURKEY: Wild West of the Middle East (Arkivert kopi)». Time Magazine. 24. oktober 1949. Arkivert fra originalen 25. mai 2012. Besøkt 28. desember 2016. «In the dimly lighted bar of the sleek Park Hotel, Turkish intelligence agents mingle with American engineers and Balkan refugees, drinking the latest Yankee concoction of vodka and orange juice, called a 'screwdriver.'»
«+TURKEY: Wild West of the Middle East (Arkivert kopi)». Time Magazine. 24. oktober 1949. Arkivert fra originalen 25. mai 2012. Besøkt 28. desember 2016. «In the dimly lighted bar of the sleek Park Hotel, Turkish intelligence agents mingle with American engineers and Balkan refugees, drinking the latest Yankee concoction of vodka and orange juice, called a 'screwdriver.'»