Munzinger Personen, Munzinger IBA 00000024430, besøkt 9. oktober 2017[Hentet fra Wikidata]
Smith, Ethan (25. oktober 1999). «Spike Jonze Unmasked - Nymag». New York Magazine (på engelsk). Besøkt 2. februar 2023. «Jonze is a pseudonym used by Adam Spiegel, a 29-year-old Bethesda, Maryland-bred heir to the $3-billion-a-year Spiegel catalogue business, who in June married Hollywood hipster princess Sofia Coppola at Francis»
Charles Fleming (23. oktober 2005). «A Wild Rumpus in the Hollywood Jungle». The New York Times. Besøkt 6. september 2009. «After meeting with many directorial candidates, and finding them wanting, Mr. Sendak met with a young video director named Spike Jonze - and fell in love.»
Kjetil Lismoen (3. februar 2009). «Being Charlie Kaufman». Rushprint. Besøkt 6. september 2009. «Charlie Kaufman er filmhistoriens første manusforfatter med stjernestatus.»
Social Networks and Archival Context, SNAC Ark-ID w6rr2v5k, besøkt 9. oktober 2017[Hentet fra Wikidata]
Roger Ebert (29. oktober 1999). «Being John Malkovich». Chicago Sun-Times. Arkivert fra originalen 4. januar 2009. Besøkt 6. september 2009. «Charlie Kaufman, the writer of "Being John Malkovich," supplies a stream of dazzling inventions, twists and wicked paradoxes. And the director, Spike Jonze, doesn't pounce on each one like fresh prey, but unveils it slyly, as if there's more where that came from.»
Roger Ebert (29. oktober 1999). «Being John Malkovich». Chicago Sun-Times. Arkivert fra originalen 4. januar 2009. Besøkt 6. september 2009. «Charlie Kaufman, the writer of "Being John Malkovich," supplies a stream of dazzling inventions, twists and wicked paradoxes. And the director, Spike Jonze, doesn't pounce on each one like fresh prey, but unveils it slyly, as if there's more where that came from.»