Spygate (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Spygate" in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
5th place
13th place
152nd place
657th place
34th place
136th place
23rd place
210th place
36th place
119th place
7th place
33rd place
140th place
469th place
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22nd place
169th place
312th place
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12th place
35th place
28th place
77th place
476th place
2,082nd place
6,857th place
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484th place
923rd place
519th place
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54th place
189th place
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1,672nd place
48th place
186th place
20th place
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41st place
205th place
146th place
443rd place
687th place
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low place
1,177th place
4th place
208th place
620th place
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476th place
553rd place
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758th place
983rd place
7,075th place
low place
1,698th place
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3,754th place
low place
66th place
187th place
581st place
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7,081st place
30th place
94th place
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684th place
134th place
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2nd place
1,716th place
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228th place
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low place
219th place
162nd place
115th place
541st place
49th place
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578th place
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4,869th place
2,728th place
6,152nd place
137th place
629th place
9th place
39th place
4,494th place
16th place
2,152nd place
low place
597th place
3,694th place
1,779th place
7th place
491st place
1,113th place


  • NTB-TT (24. mai 2020). «Trumps valgkampstrategi: Å angripe Obama». Aftenposten. Besøkt 25. mai 2020. «– Donald Trump vil få oppmerksomheten bort fra sin håndtering av koronaviruset, som ingen er spesielt imponerte over. Men han vil også sikre støtte fra sin velgerbase, sier statsviter Chris Galdieri ved Saint Anselm College i New Hampshire til det svenske nyhetsbyrået TT.» 




  • Türker, Selin (17. mai 2020). «Trump kalder det et kæmpe svindelnummer: Men hvad er »Obamagate« egentlig?». Berlingske.dk (på dansk). Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «På grund af det forløb, blev Flynn pludselig en del af undersøgelsen, som FBI indledte af folk i og omkring Trump-lejren, om hvorvidt der var tale om russisk indblanding i 2016-valgkampen. Og netop hele undersøgelse er hvad Trump kalder for »Obamagate«. Præsidenten mener nemlig, at der var tale om et »svindelnummer«, som Obama og Joe Biden stod bag, for at underminere hans præsidentskab inden det overhovedet begyndte, forklarer »Kampagnesporets« værter i denne uges afsnit.» 



  • «Joe Biden ducks Trump’s Obamagate hits: ‘I don’t want to get down in the mud’». Boston Herald (på engelsk). 20. mai 2020. Besøkt 3. juni 2020. «In the growing scandal dubbed “Obamagate,” Trump has pointed to the legal case of his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, suggesting that the “unmasking” of Flynn’s name by top Obama officials as part of legal U.S. surveillance of foreign targets was criminal and motivated by partisan politics.» 







  • «The misrule of law». The Economist. 14. mai 2020. ISSN 0013-0613. Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «Mr Trump is now pushing an “Obamagate” theory that Mr Obama and his vice-president, Joe Biden, orchestrated the Russia investigation to hobble him.» 




  • Sattar, Majid (27. mai 2020). «Trumps Geheimdienstkoordinator: Vom rechten Rand». FAZ.NET (på tysk). ISSN 0174-4909. Besøkt 27. mai 2020. «Der Präsident fühlte sich nach seinem Freispruch im Senat bestärkt darin, in den Diensten aufzuräumen und angebliche Widerstandsnester des „tiefen Staates“ auszuheben. Nicht zuletzt, um „Obamagate“ zu durchleuchten: die Verschwörungstheorie, sein Vorgänger und dessen Vizepräsident Joe Biden seien die eigentlichen Drahtzieher der sogenannten Russland-Affäre gewesen.» 
  • Sattar, Majid (27. mai 2020). «Trumps Geheimdienstkoordinator: Vom rechten Rand». FAZ.NET (på tysk). ISSN 0174-4909. Besøkt 27. mai 2020. «Donald Trump wähnt in Amerikas Geheimdiensten einen „tiefen Staat“, der gegen ihn arbeitet. … Der Präsident fühlte sich nach seinem Freispruch im Senat bestärkt darin, in den Diensten aufzuräumen und angebliche Widerstandsnester des „tiefen Staates“ auszuheben. Nicht zuletzt, um „Obamagate“ zu durchleuchten: die Verschwörungstheorie, sein Vorgänger und dessen Vizepräsident Joe Biden seien die eigentlichen Drahtzieher der sogenannten Russland-Affäre gewesen.» 


  • Cohen, Seth (14. mai 2020). «Obamagate Isn’t A Scandal — It’s Unmasked Something Worse». Forbes (på engelsk). Besøkt 15. mai 2020. «In other words, what the conspiracy theorists, especially the President himself, want is an investigation into something that they claim to be the biggest scandal in American history. It’s so big, it’s so complex, that it requires congressional hearings, testimony of a past president, and the total attention of all Americans.» 
    • CNN. «Breaking down 'Obamagate,' Trump's latest theory about the 'deep state' and Obama's role in the Russia investigation». CNN. Besøkt 15. mai 2020. «Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and his allies added a new dimension this week to their "deep state" conspiracy theory, directly accusing former President Barack Obama of leading a supposed "coup" to sabotage the Trump presidency.» 
    • Brewster, Jack (18. mai 2020). «Despite Obamagate Narrative, Trump Trails Biden In Voter Trust». Forbes (på engelsk). Besøkt 20. mai 2020. «However, as Trump seeks to cast his opponent as “corrupt,” he is staring down a gap in voter perception of his own trustworthiness as compared to Biden, a polling deficiency he did not experience for much of the 2016 race.» 
    • Cohen, Seth (14. mai 2020). «Obamagate Isn’t A Scandal — It’s Unmasked Something Worse». Forbes (på engelsk). Besøkt 24. mai 2020. «The proponents of Obamagate, especially President Trump, would have you believe the back in 2016 President Obama, Vice-President Biden, former FBI Director James Comey, and a myriad of national security officials, so-called “deep state” bureaucrats and shady figures from around the globe, hatched a conspiracy targeting President Trump and members of his inner cadre of advisors. Allegedly, as part of this so-called (and entirely unproven) effort, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was targeted and illegally wiretapped in order to frame him, Trump, and others with crimes related to collusion with Russia.» 




  • News, A. B. C. (11. desember 2019). «DOJ watchdog defends Russia investigation report against AG Barr's criticism». ABC News (på engelsk). Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «"We did not find any documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the FBI's decision to conduct these operations [involving confidential human sources]. Additionally, we found no evidence that the FBI attempted to place any CHSs (confidential human sources) within the Trump campaign, recruit members of the Trump campaign as CHSs, or task CHSs to report on the Trump campaign," he said.» 




  • «Republicans distance themselves from Trump’s ‘Spygate’ conspiracy theory». Los Angeles Times (på engelsk). 30. mai 2018. Besøkt 28. mai 2020. «While President Trump still touts the unfounded claim that the Obama administration improperly spied on his 2016 campaign, senior Republican lawmakers have steered clear of the conspiracy theory since they received classified briefings last week on the role of an FBI confidential informant in an investigation aimed at unmasking Russian interference in the election.» 
  • «Editorial: One of Trump's favorite Obama conspiracy theories was just thoroughly debunked». Los Angeles Times (på engelsk). 10. desember 2019. Besøkt 28. mai 2020. «Not that Inspector General Michael Horowitz lauded the FBI’s handling of the counterintelligence investigation that became the basis for Mueller’s work — to the contrary, he offered pointed criticism of the agency that should spur some necessary reforms. But Horowitz’s report on the origin and evolution of the FBI investigation dismantles the conspiracy theory cherished by the president, a narrative of intelligence community malice that reached the heights of absurdity with his claim that former President Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory.”» 
  • «Column: Trump's lies distracted the press in 2016. Can journalists do better this time?». Los Angeles Times (på engelsk). 23. mai 2020. Besøkt 23. mai 2020. «President Trump’s attack machine — the one that tells us who is unattractive or creepy, who is stupid or senile, who is corrupt or dangerous or traitorous or ought to be tossed in prison — is gearing up for the final stretch of the 2020 campaign.» 
  • «Opinion: In (sort of) debunking ‘Obamagate,’ Barr actually boosts Trump’s conspiracy theory». Los Angeles Times (på engelsk). 19. mai 2020. Besøkt 24. mai 2020. «But his words and actions continue to provide support for Trump’s overarching narrative that he and his associates were treated unfairly by the previous administration and the “deep state.” One might think of it as a “good cop/ bad cop” routine — except that the good cop and the bad cop are the same guy.» 


  • «What Trump calls 'Obamagate' is really a bogus conspiracy theory». MSNBC.com (på engelsk). 15. mai 2020. Besøkt 16. mai 2020. «As criticism stacks up against his coronavirus response, Trump and his allies are now accusing Obama of unspecified 'crimes' in a blatant conspiracy theory the president, FOX News, and his allies are calling 'Obamagate.' Tim Miller joins to thoroughly debunk it.» 



  • «Flynn's name was never 'masked' in FBI report on call with Russian». NBC News (på engelsk). 21. mai 2020. Besøkt 26. mai 2020. «A former senior intelligence official said FBI reports based on FISA collection, unlike reports from the National Security Agency, generally do not "mask" the names of Americans because the FBI is a domestic law enforcement agency and the conduct of Americans is part of its purview.» 


  • Gooding, George (16. mai 2020). «NRK spiller dumme om «obamagate»». Nettavisen. ««Ingen vet helt hva det betyr» lød det fra NRK om Trumps fremheving av emneknaggen #obamagate. Det kan godt hende NRK er for inkompetente til å skjønne det, men å hevde at «ingen» vet er en løgn.» 



  • Westhrin, Veronica (16. mai 2020). «Derfor kommer «Obamagate» nå». NRK. Besøkt 16. mai 2020. «I løpet av én dag, på den amerikanske morsdagen 10. mai, kom Trump med over 120 twittermeldinger, blant annet om «Obamagate», til sine 80 millioner følgere. Men hva mener han egentlig med det?» 


  • Sommerfeldt, Chris. «Barr shoots down Trump’s ‘Obamagate’ accusations, says ex-president won’t face ‘criminal investigation’». nydailynews.com. Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «Barr’s comments are likely to unnerve Trump, who has for days claimed completely without evidence that Obama, Biden and other top members of that administration perpetuated the “biggest political crime in American history" because the FBI investigated his campaign. Despite the astonishing accusation, Trump has struggled to even explain what crime he believes his predecessor committed, invariably only referring to the alleged offense as “Obamagate.”» 




  • «Unmut bei Trump: Sein Justizminister hat kein Interesse an strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen gegen Barack Obama und Joe Biden | NZZ». Neue Zürcher Zeitung (på tysk). 19. mai 2020. Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «Trump bezeichnet diesen angeblichen Skandal mit dem Schlagwort «Obamagate», und seit dem 10. Mai prangert er die angeblichen Machenschaften seines Vorgängers fast täglich an, entweder im Weissen Haus oder auf dem Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter. Der Republikaner wirft dem Demokraten vor, seine Präsidentschaft mit der Russland-Affäre sabotiert zu haben – weil Justiz- und Geheimdienstkreise nach dem Wahlsieg Trumps im November 2016 falsche Gerüchte über eine angebliche Kooperation zwischen dem neuen amerikanischen Präsidenten und Regierungsstellen in Moskau in die Welt gesetzt hätten. Zudem habe die Bundespolizei FBI seinem ersten Sicherheitsberater Michael Flynn, der Kontakte mit Russlands Botschaft in Washington hatte, gezielt eine Falle gestellt, in die Flynn kurz nach Amtsantritt im Januar 2017 getappt sei.» 
  • Renzo Ruf, Washington (19. mai 2020). «Unmut bei Trump: Sein Justizminister hat kein Interesse an strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen gegen Barack Obama und Joe Biden | NZZ». Neue Zürcher Zeitung (på tysk). Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «Doch am Montag machte der Justizminister an einer Pressekonferenz klar, dass er sich nicht vollständig von Trump vereinnahmen lassen will – oder dass er zumindest öffentlich den Eindruck erwecken möchte, der Chef des Justizministeriums sei parteipolitisch unabhängig. Also sagte Barr, er wehre sich dagegen, dass seine Behörde in der heissen Wahlkampfphase erneut für «politische Zwecke» missbraucht werde, so wie dies vor vier Jahren der Fall gewesen sei. Er rief in Erinnerung, dass selbst «himmelschreiende» Formen von Machtmissbrauch nicht zwingend bedeuteten, dass jemand gegen Strafgesetze auf Bundesebene verstossen habe. Basierend auf seinem aktuellen Wissensstand, rechne er deshalb nicht mit strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen gegen Obama oder Biden, sagte Barr. Im Visier der Untersuchung von Staatsanwalt John Durham, der die Vorgeschichte der Russland-Affäre untersucht, stünden andere Personen. Namen allerdings nannte der Justizminister keine.» 







  • O'Donovan, Brian (24. mai 2020). «'Obamagate' - Trump's latest political weapon». RTE (på engelsk). Besøkt 24. mai 2020. «Donald Trump's supporters and conservative media commentators have latched onto 'Obamagate' as a vague conspiracy theory linked to a "deep state" attempt to destroy the Trump presidency just before Barack Obama left office.» 


  • «AP FACT CHECK: Trump, GOP falsehoods on Flynn, Biden, virus». The Seattle Times (på engelsk). 18. mai 2020. Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «Broadly dubbing his allegations “Obamagate,” Trump points to unspecified conspiracies against himself in 2016 and suggests the disclosure of Flynn’s name as part of legal U.S. surveillance of foreign targets was criminal and motivated by partisan politics. There’s no evidence of that.» 
  • «AP FACT CHECK: Trump, GOP falsehoods on Flynn, Biden, virus». The Seattle Times (på engelsk). 18. mai 2020. Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee: “The unmasking of General Flynn by the Obama Administration regarding conversations during the presidential transition are deeply troubling and smell of politics, not national security.” — statement Wednesday.» 
  • «AP FACT CHECK: Trump, GOP falsehoods on Flynn, Biden, virus». The Seattle Times (på engelsk). 18. mai 2020. Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «But there is nothing illegal about unmasking. The declassified document also states that the unmasking requests were approved through the National Security Agency’s “standard process.”» 




  • «USA: Warum Donald Trump seinen Vorgänger Barack Obama attackiert - DER SPIEGEL - Politik». www.spiegel.de (på tysk). Besøkt 19. mai 2020. «Für Trump und seine Unterstützer ist das eine suboptimale Nachricht, vorsichtig formuliert. Sie würden Obama und Biden am liebsten auf der Anklagebank sehen: Seit Wochen verbreiten sie unter dem Hashtag "Obamagate" eine Verschwörungstheorie, nach der Obama und Biden die eigentlichen Drahtzieher hinter der Russlandaffäre sein sollen. Der Vorwurf: Die beiden demokratischen Politiker hätten die letzten Wochen ihrer Amtszeit 2016 dazu missbraucht, angebliche Verbindungen zwischen Trumps Wahlkampfteam und russischen Agenten aufzubauschen. In der Folge sei es dann zu den Russlandermittlungen von Robert Mueller gekommen, die die erste Hälfte von Trumps Amtszeit überschatteten.» 










  • Ecarma, Caleb. «Trump’s “Obamagate” Obsession Finds a Friendly Audience on Fox». Vanity Fair (på engelsk). Besøkt 18. mai 2020. «Donald Trump insisted that his administration is the victim of the worst government conspiracy in U.S. history, a likely preview of his reelection messaging strategy. “This is the greatest political scam, hoax, in the history of our country,” said the president, adding that “people should be going to jail for this stuff,” remarks that Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo agreed with.» 


  • «Saken mot Michael Flynn henlegges: – En uskyldig mann». www.vg.no. Besøkt 12. mai 2020. 
  • «Eksperter om «Obamagate»: – Dette er ren tåkelegging». www.vg.no. 15. mai 2020. Besøkt 15. mai 2020. «– Du kan kalle det en konspirasjonsteori, men det er mer en slags påkalling av alle anklager som noensinne har vært rettet mot Obama. Den appellerer både til de som er langt ute i tralala-land og tror Obama og Hillary Clinton kidnapper barn og holder dem fanget i militærleirer under jorden, og mer mainstream konservative som mener den forrige administrasjonen gjorde kritikkverdige ting knyttet til overvåkning og rettsprosedyre, sier forsker Asbjørn Dyredal til VG.» 


  • «What is Obamagate?». Voice of America (på engelsk). 15. mai 2020. Besøkt 16. mai 2020. «In this new iteration being hotly promoted by Trump and his right-wing allies, Obama officials in the waning days of his administration conspired to entrap Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, as part of a larger plot to bring down the incoming president. … As early as March 2017, Trump alleged that Obama had illegally wiretapped the billionaire businessman at Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential election campaign, comparing the alleged surveillance to the Nixon-era Watergate scandal. The following year, Trump claimed that the FBI had planted an informant inside his campaign, dubbing the alleged conspiracy "Spygate.» 






